- Mount the project files (e.g. https://github.com/slsfi/topelius-files) on the machine runnig the ELK-stack (this repo).
- This can be done locally or over a network share
- Mount the project files in the docker-compose.yml for the logstash part of the configuration.
- /srv/dh-e02/topelius_files/required-files/xml:/var/data/xml/topelius_xml
- Logstash will use the pipeline configuration files in '/logstash/pipeline' to ingest the project files (e.g. XML-files).
- The pipeline configuration files (e.g. logstash_topelius.conf) tell Logstash how to process the data before feeding it to the ElasticSearch index.
- Sometimes the the logstash process needs to be restarted to fully understand and process new configuration files. This could probably be fixed by running the project without Docker?
- Files must be encoded as UTF-8 (not e.g. UTF-8 BOM)