Ali Elbadrawy - alihosam-dev
Jakub Jakuszewski - slendyduck
Chet Petro - chetpetro
Dimitar Toshev - toshoboss
Hriday Chhaochharia - hridaychh
What it does:
- Allows users to enter keywords and receive relevant news articles.
- Generates concise summaries of these news articles with AI.
- Users can save or share the summarized articles via email.
Why it was made:
- To address the challenge of information overload.
- Helps users quickly stay updated on important news without sifting through long articles.
What problem it solves:
- Saves time by providing relevant, easy-to-digest summaries.
- Makes it easier for users to stay informed and share news with others.
- Enter keywords (e.g., "technology", "health", etc.) and press generate. The app will fetch relevant news articles from the web and generate a concise, easy-to-read summary of each article.
- Users can save the generated summarized articles for later reading by pressing the save button. This feature is helpful for revisiting important articles or keeping a record of the summaries.
- Users can share the generated summarized articles directly via email, making it easy to send key news to friends, family, or colleagues.
- Clone the Project from GitHub to your local repository.
- Create a .env file in the project directory.
- Fill in the correct environment variables in the .env file corresponding to the .env.template file. (You can find temporary .env files here)
- Make sure all maven dependencies are installed if they have not been installed automatically.
- Navigate to src/main/java/app/ and run the file.
- A browser tab will open on your computer asking you to log in to a Gmail account. Log in with the following credentials:
- email: [email protected]
- password: CSC207project
- Agree to the requested permissions displayed on the browser.
- The browser will then display that the user may continue back to the application. Open the application window.
- Click here for a visual guide.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- Fill out this Google Form to submit feedback the project maintainers.
- How to Contribute:
- Guidelines for Pull Requests:
- Adhere to Clean Architecture and SOLID design principles.
- Use the Checkstyle plugin to highlight all style issues and address them.
- Provide a detailed description of what your PR accomplishes, what it has changed, and why it is valuable.
- PR should only add one feature.
- Review Protocol:
- A project maintainer will review your PR, comment on any necessary features, and then choose to either approve your PR, make changes to your PR, or deny your PR.