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Terraform modules to set up a few regularly used IAM resources.


Adds a role and instance profile for KMS access.

Available variables

  • [kms_key_arn]: String(required): The ARN of the KMS key
  • [environment]: String(required): How do you want to call your environment, this is helpful if you have more than 1 VPC.


  • [role_arn]: String: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) specifying the role.
  • [role_unique_id]: String: The stable and unique string identifying the role.
  • [profile_id]: String: The instance profile's ID.
  • [profile_arn]: String: The ARN assigned by AWS to the instance profile.
  • [profile_name]: String: The instance profile's name.
  • [policy_id]: String: The role policy ID.
  • [policy_name]: String: The name of the policy.
  • [policy_policy]: String: The policy document attached to the role.
  • [policy_role]: String: The role to which this policy applies.


  module "packer_role" {
    source      = ""
    kms_key_arn = "${aws_kms_key.kms_key.arn}"
    environment = "staging"


Creates an IAM policy that allows usage of a KMS key.

Available variables

  • [kms_key_arn]: String(required): The ARN of the KMS key
  • [environment]: String(required): How do you want to call your environment, this is helpful if you have more than 1 VPC.


  • [iam_policy_id]: String: The generated policy id.
  • [iam_policy_arn]: String: The generated policy ARN.
  • [iam_policy_name]: String: The generated policy name.


  module "packer_policy" {
    source      = ""
    kms_key_arn = "${aws_kms_key.kms_key.arn}"
    environment = "staging"


Adds a role and instance profile.

Available variables

  • [project]: String(required): The name of the project. This is helpful if you have more than 1 project
  • [environment]: String(required): How do you want to call your environment, this is helpful if you have more than 1 VPC.
  • [function]: String(required): The function of that instance_profile.
  • [aws_iam_role_policy]: String: The iam_role_policy for that instance.
  • [aws_iam_role]: String(required): the iam_role for that profile.


  • [iam_id]: String: The role profile ID.


module "iam" {
  source      = ""
  project     = "${var.project}"
  environment = "${var.environment}"
  function    = "${var.app_name}"

  aws_iam_role = <<EOF
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Action": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Resource": "${module.sqs.sqs_arn}"


Add a role that can be attached to codedeploy deployment groups

Available variables

Name Description Type Default Required
region Region where codedeploy will run in string "eu-west-1" no


Name Description
role_arn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) specifying the role.
role_name The name of the role.
role_unique_id The stable and unique string identifying the role.


  module "codedeploy_role" {
    source      = ""
    region      = "eu-west-1"


Available variables

  • [user_names]: List(string)(required): List of users that needs to be created
  • [pgp_key]: String(required): Either a base-64 encoded PGP public key, or a keybase username in the form keybase:username. Used to encrypt the password for safe transport to the user.


  • [unique_ids]: List of the unique IDs assigned by AWS to the users
  • [passwords]: List of the encrypted passwords, base64 encoded. An encrypted password may be decrypted using: terraform output password | base64 --decode | keybase pgp decrypt
  • [arns]: List of the ARNs assigned by AWS to the users


module "iam_users" {
  source = ""
  user_names = ["user1", "user2", "user3"]
  pgp_key = "keybase:user"


Add a role that can be attached to packer iam role to access the codedeploy s3 bucket to install the agent

Available variables

  • [region]: String: The region of the codedeploy agent s3 bucket default to us-east-1


  • [iam_policy_arn]: String: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the policy created.
  • [iam_policy_name]: String: The name of the policy created.
  • [iam_policy_id]: String: The id of the policy created.


  module "packer_role" {
    source      = ""
    kms_key_arn = "${aws_kms_key.kms_key.arn}"
    environment = "staging"

  module "codedeploy_packer_policy" {
    source      = ""
  resource "aws_iam_role_policy_attachment" "codedeploy_policy_attach_packer" {
    role       = "${module.packer_role.role_name}"
    policy_arn = "${module.codedeploy_packer_policy.iam_policy_arn}"


Add a role that can be used by cloudcheckr to collect data and stats

Available variables

  • [external_id]: String: The external_id provided in the cloudcheckr console


  • [role_arn]: String: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role created.


  module "cloudcheckr_role" {
    source      = ""
    external_id = "..."


Creates an IAM policy that allows sending metrics to CloudWatch. You must attach that policy to a role, user or group.


Name Description Type Default Required
name Name to differentiate the policy name. Name will be autogenerated if omitted string null no


Name Description
iam_policy_arn ARN of the Cloudwatch monitoring IAM policy
iam_policy_id ID of the Cloudwatch monitoring IAM policy
iam_policy_name Name of the Cloudwatch monitoring IAM policy
module "iam_monitoring" {
  source = ""
  name   = "my_project"

resource "aws_iam_role_policy_attachment" "cloudwatch_policy" {
  role       =
  policy_arn = module.iam_monitoring.iam_policy_arn


Creates an IAM policy that allows usage of a Packer with AWS EC2 EBS volumes.


  • [packer_policy_id]: String: The generated policy id.
  • [packer_policy_arn]: String: The generated policy ARN.
  • [packer_policy_name]: String: The generated policy name.


  module "packer_policy" {
    source      = ""


Creates an IAM user to be used to automate Terraform in CI. This terraform user will have admin access to the AWS account.


Name Description Type Default Required
environment The environment where this user is deployed to. If not set or left empty, it'll fallback to terraform.workspace string `` no
pgp_key Either a base-64 encoded PGP public key, or a keybase username in the form keybase:some_person_that_exists. Will be used to encrypt the secret access key of the created user string - yes


Name Description
access_key_id Access Key Id of the created terraform user
secret_access_key The encrypted Secret Access Key of the created terraform user, base64 encoded
user_arn The ARN assigned by AWS for this user
user_name The user's name
user_path Path in which the user is created
user_unique_id The unique ID assigned by AWS


module "terraform_ci_user" {
  source  = ""
  pgp_key = "keybase:some_person_that_exists"


Creates some base IAM roles:

  • admin with AdministratorAccess policy attached
  • ro with ReadOnlyAccess policy attached


Name Description Type Default Required
admin_role_principal_ids List of AWS principal ids (or ARNs) that'll be allowed to assume the admin role in the ops account list - yes
readonly_role_principal_ids List of AWS principal ids (or ARNs) that'll be allowed to assume the readonly role in the ops account list - yes
roles_path Path of the roles created string /ops/ no


Name Description
admin_role_arn Admin role ARN
ro_role_arn Readonly role ARN


module "base_roles" {
  source                      = ""
  readonly_role_principal_ids = ["109034686754"]
  admin_role_principals_arns  = ["arn:aws:iam::109034686754:role/something"]


This Terraform module configures the AWS Single Sign-on in the master account. The SSO identity source and SSO groups must be created manually through the AWS console. Populating the groups with users is also outside the scope of this module.

This module manages:

  • The different permission sets and their attached policies
  • The assignments between permission sets, groups and accounts

The main configuration point of the module is the permission_sets variable, where each permission set is assigned a set of policies and mapped to a list of AWS accounts.


No requirements.


Name Version
aws n/a


No modules.


Name Type
aws_ssoadmin_account_assignment.this resource
aws_ssoadmin_managed_policy_attachment.this resource
aws_ssoadmin_permission_set.this resource
aws_ssoadmin_permission_set_inline_policy.this resource
aws_iam_policy_document.combined data source
aws_iam_policy_document.eks_viewer data source
aws_identitystore_group.groups data source


Name Description Type Default Required
permission_sets n/a
description = string
group = string
managed_policies = list(string)
inline_policies = list(string)
eks_access = bool
account_ids = list(string)
n/a yes
sso_instance_arn n/a string n/a yes
sso_instance_id n/a string n/a yes
default_ps_session_duration n/a string "PT8H" no


Name Description
account_assignments n/a
permission_set_arns n/a


data "aws_ssoadmin_instances" "main" {}

module "sso_config" {
  source = ""

  permission_sets = {
    Developer = {
      description = "Non-privileged developer users"
      group       = "Developers"
      eks_access  = true
      managed_policies = [
      inline_policies = [
      account_ids = [
  sso_instance_arn = tolist(data.aws_ssoadmin_instances.main.arns)[0]
  sso_instance_id  = tolist(data.aws_ssoadmin_instances.main.identity_store_ids)[0]

From the above:

  • group maps to the SSO group where this Permission Set applies. See section below about important Design considerations
  • eks_access: if the Permission Set is going to be mapped into K8s RBAC, it needs to have read access to the EKS AWS service. This flag ensures that
  • managed_policies: list of AWS managed policies ARNs
  • inline_policies: list of policies to assign inline to the Permission Set. These must be references to policies defined as aws_iam_policy_document data sources. Note that a Permission Set can only have a single inline policy, but you can define multiple here since there's some logic inside the Terraform module that will merge them into a single one
  • account_ids: the AWS account ids where to apply the Permission Set with the assigned group

Design considerations

For each Permission Set that is assigned to an account, AWS SSO creates an IAM role in that account. For example, if the Developer Permission Set is used in an account for one or more groups, AWS will create an IAM role named AWSReservedSSO_Developer_1234567890... in that account.

We user IAM roles in each of the infrastructure accounts to authenticate to Kubernetes (EKS) clusters, and these roles are mapped to internal k8s groups that are then used to assign different RBAC permissions.

To be able to grant meaningful RBAC permissions in K8s to users, the used IAM roles must identify the group the user belongs to. This is why we made the decision to map each SSO group to a single Permission Set with the same name. This way the information of the group a user belongs to is carried over to the K8s authorization level, and the correct RBAC permissions can be assigned to each group.