This module provides a hyperparameter optimization using simulated annealing. It has a SciKit-Learn-style API and uses multiprocessing for the fitting and scoring of the cross validation folds. The benefit of using Simulated Annealing over an exhaustive grid search is that Simulated Annealing is a heuristic search algorithm that is immune to getting stuck in local minima or maxima.
Note: this module is now compatible with both python 2.7 and python 3.x.
Installation can be performed using pip:
pip install simulated_annealing
- Start with some initial
- Generate and score a random solution (
) - Generate and score a solution with "neighboring" hyperparameters (
) - Compare
:- If
: move to neighboring solution - If
: maybe move to neighboring solution
- If
- Decrease T:
- Repeat the above steps until one of the stopping conditions met:
T < T_min
n_iterations > max_iterations
total_runtime > max_runtime
- Return the score and hyperparameters of the best solution
The decision to move to a new solution from an old solution is probabilistic and temperature dependent. Specifically, the comparison between the solutions is performed by computing the acceptance probability a = exp((score_new - score_old)/T)
. The value of a
is then compared to a randomly generated number in [0,1]. If a
is greater than the randomly generated number, the algorithm moves to the hyperparameters of the neighboring solution. This means that while T
is large, almost all new solutions are preferred regardless of their score. As T
decreases, the likelihood of moving to hyperparameters resulting in a poor solution decreases.
Simulated Annealing was written on a OS X 10.10.5 and using Python 2.7.10. External library dependencies include:
- NumPy 1.6.1+
- SciKit-Learn 0.16+
This implementation of Simulated Annealing can use any of the built-in SciKit Learn scoring metrics or any other scoring function/object with the signature score(estimator, X, y)
. It is important to note that during the annealing process, the algorithm will always be maximizing the score. So if you intend on finding optimal hyperparameters for a regression algorithm, it is important to multiply your scoring metric by -1.
While there are lots of researchers looking into best practices for selecting a cooling schedule, I've had good results with the following practices. Early on, it's good if the algorithm is pretty indiscriminate. To achieve this, the acceptance probability should be close to or greater than 1 for all values of score_new - score_old
. For scoring metrics that take on values [0, 1], this means setting T >> 1
. However, you don't want the algorithm to spend too much time with the temperature this high because it does't care much about moving towards better solutions. Thus, for initial temperatures that are high, use values of alpha
that will result in rapid cooling: 0.5 < alpha
< 0.8. Lastly, with a rapid cooling schedule, select a T_min
that is low enough to properly explore the input hyperparamter space, e.g T_min = 0.0001
To calculate the number of steps in the cooling schedule use:
k = (log(T_min
) - log(T
)) / log(alpha
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn import svm, datasets
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
from simulated_annealing.optimize import SimulatedAnneal
import numpy as np
# Load the Iris data set
iris = datasets.load_iris()
X =
y =
# Split the data into test and train sets
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y)
# This is the hyperparameter space we'll be searching over
svc_params = {'C':np.logspace(-8, 10, 19, base=2),
'fit_intercept':[True, False]
# Using a linear SVM classifier
clf = svm.LinearSVC()
# Initialize Simulated Annealing and fit
sa = SimulatedAnneal(clf, svc_params, T=10.0, T_min=0.001, alpha=0.75,
verbose=True, max_iter=1, n_trans=5, max_runtime=300,
cv=3, scoring='f1_macro', refit=True), y_train)
# Print the best score and the best params
print(sa.best_score_, sa.best_params_)
# Use the best estimator to predict classes
optimized_clf = sa.best_estimator_
y_test_pred = optimized_clf.predict(X_test)
# Print a report of precision, recall, f1_score
print(classification_report(y_test, y_test_pred))