The lox programming language in C++ a work in progress. Lox is a high level garbage-collected scripting language designed for the book Crafting Interpreters by Robert Nystrom.
-C style comments /not nested/
-Post and prefix increment / decrement operators
-Break statement
-Capturing lambdas
-Ternary operator "?"
-Native C++ functions work, clock() function is included.
-Split hpp and cpp files
-Add classes and methods
Mostly the same as the original Lox, C++ is non garbage collected thus the funarg problem becomes evident, I worked around it by writing a small arena that acts like a gc and permits reference cycles.
fun f(a, b)
return a + b;
print f(1, 2); //3
lambda() {print "Hello world!";}(); //inline lambda call
fun f()
var i = 0;
return lambda() {print i++;}; //lambda captures environment and increases value
var a = f();
a(); //prints 0
a(); //prints 1