- Create a simple mobile client for home weather (temperature/humidity) indicator;
- Checkout new technologies/approaches for building Android applications (see "Technologies/libraries" section).
- simple gui that, while active, periodically (once in a minute, currently configurable) reloads the data from network temperature/humidity indicator;
- home screen widget that shows temperature & humidity along with the date of loading and has a button for manual refresh;
- settings screen with measurements url, update period configuration and "about" section;
- English and Ukrainian translations;
- couple of instrumentation tests with Espresso and MockWebServer.
- Platform: Android (27)
- Language: Kotlin (1.2.31)
- Dependency injection: Dagger 2
- Network: OkHttp
- Utility: Anko (0.10.4)
- Testing: Espresso / MockWebServer
- Could be not idiomatic Kotlin in some places.
- The libraries are, most likely, not used to their fullest potential.