You may be prompted to allow sigining in. Click on the Allow button in the first dialog and then the Open button in the second dialog.
Complete the forms to sign up/sign in to use Codeium.
Provide your name if signing up.
Hightlight and copy or use the copy icon to capture the authentication token on the screen.
Switch back to your codespace. Use F1 to bring up the Command Palette. (Ignore any messages about signin failed.) In the Command Palette, search for Codeium: Provide Authentication Token.
After you find that, hit Enter and then paste in the token.
This will open it up in a tab above your terminal. Then you can follow along with the steps in the labs. Any command in the gray boxes is either code intended to be run in the console or code to be updated in a file.
Labs doc: Copilot Hands-on Labs