Imagine if you could rename a class and its invokers by doing klass.setName(<name)
. Well now u can.
Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Step 2. Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.skidfuscatordev:skidfuscator-ir:master-SNAPSHOT'
Then, to begin using it, create a hierarchy as follows:
final Map<String, ClassNode> classes = new HashMap();
// Your class loading logic here
final SkidLibraryHierarchy hierarchy = new SkidLibraryHierarchy();
You can iterate all application classes by using
for (final KlassNode node : hierarchy.iterateKlasses()) {
node.setName("Omg" + node.getName());
You can find a class of the name formatted as "my/searched/Class" by using
final KlassNode node = hierarchy.resolveClass("my/searched/Class");
If the class does not exist, if configured, an "UnresolvedKlassNode" will be generated.
If you seek to not generate a phantom class, please instead use the deprecated hierarchy#findClass
until I finish writing the config system.
You can access and modify the bytecode of a class by doing the following:
final KlassNode node = hierarchy.resolveClass("my/searched/Class");
for (final FunctionNode method : node.getMethods()) {
final InstructionList bytecode = method.getInstructionList();
bytecode.add(new SimpleInsn(hierarchy, new InsnNode(Opcodes.NOP)));
The following nodes are wrapped:
- FieldInsnNode --> FieldInsn
- FrameNode --> FrameInsn
- IincInsnNode --> IincInsn
- IntInsnNode --> IntInsn
- InvokeDynamicInsnNode --> InvokeDynamicInsn
- MethodInsnNode --> InvokeInsn
- JumpInsnNode --> JumpInsn
- LabelNode --> LabelInsn
- LdcInsnNode --> LdcInsn
- LineNumberNode --> LineNumberInsn
- LookupSwitchInsnNode --> LookupSwitchInsn
- TableSwitchInsnNode --> TableSwitchNode
- MultiANewArrayInsnNode --> MultiANewArrayInsn
- InsnNode --> SimpleInsn
- TypeInsnNode --> TypeInsn
- VarInsnNode --> VarInsn
With skidfuscator-ir, you can lock changes on a class. This will effectively prevent any further changes to the class if you wish to inspect a class and set it as a library post-resolving it. Practical for analysers wishing to debug what's changing what.
final KlassNode node = hierarchy.resolveClass("my/searched/Class");
node.lock(); // Locks a class
- Finish all insn nodes
- Create test suite
- Add support for fields
- Add support for annotation
- signatures
- mapper for types
- mapper for annotations
- mapper for annotation method linking