Follow these to have a sneak peek of what's going on
- git clone
- cd cvscan
- python install
- Place the sample resume in the ~/cvscan folder and enter the file name
or enter relative path
Eg: ~/cvpath/data/sample/a.pdf is parsed by
cvscan parse --name data/sample/a
Note: Skills are case-sensitive unlike Jobs and Organizations
cvscan add -s "C,C++,R,Java"
cvscan remove --skill "C,C++"
- contributor Job-category: Programmer
- Android Programmer Job-category: Developer
cvscan add -j "contributor:Programmer,android Programmer:Developer"
- contributor
- Android Programmer
cvscan remove --job "contributor,Android Programmer"
cvscan add --org "Skcript"
cvscan remove -o "Skcript"
- Qualifications are case-sensitive.
- Puntuations before the first and after the last alphabet should be excluded
cvscan add -q "B.S,B.Tech,B.Arch"
cvscan remove --qual "B.Arch"
cvscan add -e "machine learning,artificial intelligence"
cvscan remove --extra "machine learning,artificial intelligence"
cvscan = Cvscan(name,path)
Convert the input file to raw_text and calls parse class method
Attributes | Function |
path | Stores the path of the resume |
raw_text | Stores the resume as raw text |
URLs | Stores all the URLs from the resume |
name | Applicant's name |
emails | Applicant's email |
Phone number | Applicant's contact number |
address | Applicant's address |
experience | Applicant's experience in years |
cleaned_resume | Raw text after removing english stopwords |
skills | Applicant's skillset |
qualifications | Applicant's qualifications |
degree_info | Info about qualification |
job_positions | Applicant's jobs |
category | Applicant's Job category |
current_employers | Organization applicant is working in |
employers | All organizations applicant has worked in |
extra_info | Extra information about the applicant |