Provide warnings for unexpected Core generation
🤫 Noiseless Browsing – Content Blocker for Safari
Bazel rules that use Poetry for Python package management
Standard library for linear types in Haskell.
A Purescript library to interact with Google Cloud Firestore
Pure profunctor lenses
Library of categories, with categorical constructions on them
🎮 A list of popular/awesome video games, add-ons, maps, etc. hosted on GitHub. Any genre. Any platform. Any engine.
Use Apple FaceID or TouchID authentication in your app using BiometricAuthentication.
Add CSS animations to delight users as they scroll down.
A syntax for unions of constraints in Haskell
CancellationToken in Swift, modelled after the .NET version
PromiseContainer is a higher-order component to run a single or multiple promises, before rendering a component.
Client-side validator of .NET data-annotations using vue.js
A bundler for javascript and friends. Packs many modules into a few bundled assets. Code Splitting allows for loading parts of the application on demand. Through "loaders", modules can be CommonJs,…
Strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues in Swift projects
An Android view for displaying repeated continuous side scrolling images. This can be used to create a parallax animation effect.
This is the repo for Vue 2. For Vue 3, go to