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This repo holds the CLI to manage a VKPR cluster. This CLI is based on Ritchie formulas. VKPR-CLI is Tool build with Shell that has the objetive to make it easier for the Develops to Build and Deploy it's scripts in yours cluster.

VKPR-CLI also helps the local development by using k3d to fully provision a Kubernetes cluster instance for testing purposes.

Why Ritchie?

Using Ritchie we could create our own CLI and implement it with plain shell scripts.

Rit banner

For more information (if you are curious about it), please check the Ritchie CLI documentation

Minimum required

VKPR-CLI was made to run on Linux / MacOS. It's pre-requisites are:

Setup VKPR

VKPR was built on top of Ritchie, but he abstracts most of his interaction with him. To install it, you must run the following command.

Installing VKPR CLI

curl -fsSL | bash
echo 'alias vkpr="rit vkpr"' >> ~/.bashrc # If you use another Unix Shell, specify your specific source


Try yourself to use VKPR following the next steps:


In order to start using VKPR, the first instruction you will have to use is the init:

vkpr init

It will download and install all required tools to your local environment:

  • kubectl
  • helm
  • k3d
  • arkade
  • jq
  • yq

Create a cluster

After initializing all VKPR dependencies, you may be creating the Kubernetes Cluster in your environment for testing as a production environment.

To do that, you can run the command:

vkpr infra up

You can peek into it using k9s:


You can now test your scripts and create your own environments with VKPR commands.

Deploy a sample app

To test some application using VKPR, we will use whoami as an example.

For this, we will implement an ingress controller and the whoami itself:

vkpr nginx install
vkpr whoami install --default

Now you can test this sample application with a simple curl command:

curl whoami.localhost:8000
# OR 
curl -H "Host: whoami.localhost" localhost:8000

WARNING: Use the second form if whoami.localhost does not resolve to

Uninstalling the objects

To be deleting all dependencies of the installed script, it is necessary to run the following command:

vkpr whoami remove

Discard cluster

After all tests, if you want to destroy the created cluster, you may discard his with a single command:

vkpr infra down


Tools Description
nginx Install nginx-ingress-controller
whoami Install whoami
cert-manager Install cert-manager to manage your certificates
external-dns Install external-dns
loki Install Loki for monitoring and tracing
keycloak Install Keycloak to manage the identity and access management
consul Install consul to service identities and traditional networking practices to securely connect applications
kong Install kong to manage, configure, and route requests to your APIs.
postgres Install postgres to manage the Database
prometheus-stack Installs the kube-prometheus stack, a collection of Kubernetes manifests
vault Install vault to manage secrets & protect sensitive data
argocd Install argocd to automated the application deployment and lifecycle management
aws eks Install aws to fork and setup the GitOps Repo in your Gitlab


The Documentation can be viewed in the following link.


VKPR-CLI is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0.





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  • Shell 99.5%
  • Other 0.5%