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possibility to geographycally constraint cell of env var. in correct_…
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sjevelazco committed Apr 26, 2024
1 parent d8a33ae commit c0481fe
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@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
# flexsdm 1.3.5

- it is possible to restrict the cell used to perform collinearity reduction analysis to a geographical area smaller than the full extent of environmental variables in [`correct_clinvar()`](
- esm_ family function was improved and debugged
- occfilt_geo has a new argument "rep" to control number o repetition to filter occurrences
- `occfilt_geo` has a new argument "rep" to control number o repetition to filter occurrences

# flexsdm 1.3.4

Expand Down
89 changes: 88 additions & 1 deletion R/correct_colinvar.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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#' Usage method = c('pca').
#' \item fa: Perform a Factorial Analysis and select, from the original predictors, the number of factors is defined by Broken-Stick and variables with the highest correlation to the factors are selected. Usage method = c('fa').
#' }
#' @param restric_to_region SpatVector. Area used to restrict cells of env_layer at moment to perform collinearity reduction. Default: NULL.
#' @param restric_pca_proj logical. Area used to restrict geographically PCA projection within SpatVector used in restric_to_region. Only use for PCA analysis. Default: FALSE.
#' @param proj character. Only used for pca method. Path to a folder that contains sub-folders for the different projection
#' scenarios. Variables names must have the same names as in the raster used in env_layer argument. Usage proj = "C:/User/Desktop/Projections" (see in Details more about the use of this argument)
#' @param maxcell numeric. Number of raster cells to be randomly sampled. Taking a sample could be
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -157,11 +159,56 @@
#' var$removed_variables
#' var$uniqueness
#' var$loadings
#' ##%######################################################%##
#' # #
#' #### Other option to perform PCA ####
#' #### considering cell restricted to a region ####
#' # #
#' ##%######################################################%##
#' # Define a calibration area
#' abies2 <- abies %>%
#' dplyr::select(x, y, pr_ab) %>%
#' dplyr::filter(pr_ab==1)
#' plot(somevar[[1]])
#' points(abies2[-3])
#' ca <- calib_area(abies2, x = "x", y = "y", method = c("mcp"), crs=crs(somevar))
#' plot(ca, add=T)
#' # Full geographical range to perform PCA
#' pca_fr <- correct_colinvar(env_layer = somevar ,
#' method = c("pca"),
#' maxcell = NULL,
#' restric_to_region = NULL,
#' restric_pca_proj = FALSE)
#' # Perform PCA only with cell delimited by polygon used in restric_to_region
#' pca_rr <- correct_colinvar(env_layer = somevar ,
#' method = c("pca"),
#' maxcell = NULL,
#' restric_to_region = ca,
#' restric_pca_proj = FALSE)
#' # Perform and predicted PCA only with cell delimited by polygon used in restric_to_region
#' pca_rrp <- correct_colinvar(env_layer = somevar ,
#' method = c("pca"),
#' maxcell = NULL,
#' restric_to_region = ca,
#' restric_pca_proj = TRUE)
#' plot(pca_fr$env_layer) # PCA with all cells
#' plot(pca_rr$env_layer) # PCA with calibration area cell but predicted for entire region
#' plot(pca_rrp$env_layer) # PCA performed and predicted for cells within calibration area (ca)
#' }
correct_colinvar <- function(env_layer,
proj = NULL,
restric_to_region = NULL,
restric_pca_proj = FALSE,
maxcell = NULL) {
. <- NULL
if (!any(c("pearson", "vif", "pca", "fa") %in% method)) {
Expand All @@ -173,8 +220,18 @@ correct_colinvar <- function(env_layer,
if (class(env_layer)[1] != "SpatRaster") {
env_layer <- terra::rast(env_layer)
if (!is.null(restric_to_region)) {
if(any(method %in% c("pca", "fa"))){
env_layer_constr <- env_layer %>%
terra::crop(., restric_to_region) %>%
terra::mask(., restric_to_region)
} else {
env_layer <- env_layer_constr

if (any(method %in% "pearson")) {

if (["th"])) {
th <- 0.7
} else {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -208,6 +265,7 @@ correct_colinvar <- function(env_layer,

if (any(method %in% "vif")) {

if (is.null(method["th"])) {
th <- 10
} else {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -274,6 +332,14 @@ correct_colinvar <- function(env_layer,

if (any(method %in% "pca")) {

# Restrict cells if required
if (!is.null(restric_to_region)) {
env_layer_original <- env_layer
env_layer <- env_layer_constr
} else {
env_layer_original <- env_layer

# mean
means <- t(terra::global(env_layer, 'mean', na.rm=T)) %>% c()
names(means) <- names(env_layer)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -314,7 +380,20 @@ correct_colinvar <- function(env_layer,

# p <-, xy = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE)
p <- stats::prcomp(p0, retx = TRUE, scale. = FALSE, center = FALSE, rank. = naxis)
env_layer <- terra::predict(env_layer, p)

# env_layer <- terra::predict(env_layer, p)
if(restric_pca_proj & is.null(restric_to_region)){
message("No data was provided to 'restric_to_region' argument, so no geographical restriction will be applied to PCA projections")
restric_pca_proj = FALSE
env_layer <- terra::predict(env_layer, p)
} else {
env_layer_original <- terra::scale(env_layer_original,
center = means,
scale = stds)
env_layer <- terra::predict(env_layer_original, p)


Expand All @@ -337,6 +416,13 @@ correct_colinvar <- function(env_layer,
for (i in 1:length(proj)) {
scen <- terra::rast(list.files(proj[i], full.names = TRUE))
scen <- scen[[names(means)]]

scen <- scen %>%
terra::crop(., restric_to_region) %>%
terra::mask(., restric_to_region)

scen <- terra::scale(scen, center = means, scale = stds)
scen <- terra::predict(scen, p)
Expand All @@ -351,6 +437,7 @@ correct_colinvar <- function(env_layer,

if (any(method %in% "fa")) {

p <- terra::scale(env_layer, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)

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