Welcome to the Flight Booking Application – a React Native mobile app that allows users to authenticate, search for flights, and view results.
- Users can securely log in to their accounts.
Flight Search:
- Search for flights based on specified criteria such as departure, destination, and date.
- View a list of flight options based on the search criteria.
- Users can enter their credentials to log in.
- Secure authentication using email and password.
- Input fields for departure, destination, and date.
- Search button triggers flight search based on user input.
- Displays a list of available flights based on the search criteria.
- Each flight includes details such as flight number, departure time, and airline.
- components
- navigators
- resources
- colors
- config
- constants
- images
- screens
- services
- types
- src - This is the root folder when all the business logic and assets and everything is resides in it.
- components - In this folder re-usable components are created.
- navigators - In this folder, all the navigation related files will reside.
- resources - In this folder, all the static assests will reside.
- colors - all the colors which are used inside the app reside in this folder.
- config - all the configuration related info will reside in this folder like baseURL, aws urls etc.
- constants - all the constants which are used for async storage and some static stuff which is repeating in the app will reside here.
- fonts - all the fonts will reside in this folder.
- images - all the static images and gifs and videos will reside in this folder.
- screens - all the main screens which are displaying to the user in the application reside in this folder.
- services - helper methods, static data, api endpoints, api methods all reside in this folder.
- types - global file for types mentioned in the screens folder.
Basic requirements
- Nodejs installed in your system.
- Android Studio is installed and configured properly, or else you can go to this url for configuration 👉 React Native Environment Setup.
- Java installed and configured properly.
- Code editor of your choice (preferred VS Code).
- Physical android device or emulator, for ios (you should have a macos with the above this configured).
To run project
Install the necessary dependencies with the following command.
// using npm npm install or // using yarn yarn
After installing dependencies, now run the metro bundler with the below command.
npm start or npx react-native start or yarn start or npx react-native start
After running the metro bundler, open another terminal inside this folder and run below command.
npm run android or npx react-native run-android or yarn run android or npx react-native run-android
Yayy, That's it!, you have successfully run FlightsSearch project.
This project is completely written using typescript, so you should have a basic knowledge on how to work with typescript along with that javascript and react-native knowledge.