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AA228V Programming Project FAQs

This list continuously grows to reflect common queries made on Ed. You may find your query answered here without even needing to wait on Ed!

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  1. The notebook has errors everywhere!

    • Wait until the notebook finishes loading, but if the errors still persist then you can update the StanfordAA228V package within the notebook by following the instructions here.

Project 1

  1. What's the code for the SmallSystem?

    Expand for the code.
    ## Agent
    struct NoAgent <: Agent end
    (c::NoAgent)(s, a=missing) = nothing
    Distributions.pdf(c::NoAgent, s, x) = 1.0
    ## Environment
    struct SimpleGaussian <: Environment end
    (env::SimpleGaussian)(s, a, xs=missing) = s
    Ps(env::SimpleGaussian) = Normal(0, 1) # Initial state distribution
    ## Sensor
    struct IdealSensor <: Sensor end
    (sensor::IdealSensor)(s) = s
    (sensor::IdealSensor)(s, x) = sensor(s)
    Distributions.pdf(sensor::IdealSensor, s, xₛ) = 1.0

  2. I can't figure out the disturbance distribution for the SmallSystem.

    Expand for a hint.

    You'll first want to define some custom struct:

    struct YourSmallFuzzingDistribution <: TrajectoryDistribution
        # some parameters

    If you're trying fuzzing, the disturbance_distribution for the SmallSystem does not apply:

    function StanfordAA228V.disturbance_distribution(p::YourSmallFuzzingDistribution, t)
        D = DisturbanceDistribution((o)->Deterministic(),
        return D


    struct DisturbanceDistribution
        Da # agent disturbance distribution
        Ds # environment disturbance distribution
        Do # sensor disturbance distribution

    (you don't need to redefine the DisturbanceDistribution struct)

    But the initial_state_distribution should be changed:

    function StanfordAA228V.initial_state_distribution(p::YourSmallFuzzingDistribution)
        return Normal(SOME_MEAN, SOME_STD)

    And don't forget the depth function as well!

    StanfordAA228V.depth(p::YourSmallFuzzingDistribution) = get_depth(sys_small)

    This can then be instantiated (similar to the NominalTrajectoryDistribution) like so:

    = YourSmallFuzzingDistribution(your_parameters_as_input_here)

    And used in the rollout function:

    rollout(sys, qτ; d)

    Note: You should evaluate the logpdf using the nominal trajectory distribution:

    = NominalTrajectoryDistribution(sys, d)
    # use pτ when you call logpdf(pτ, τ)

    See Example 4.3 in the textbook for how this is applied to the pendulum.

  3. What's the code for the MediumSystem?

    Expand for the code.
    ## Agent
    struct ProportionalController <: Agent
    (c::ProportionalController)(s, a=missing) = c.k' * s
    ## Environment
    @with_kw struct InvertedPendulum <: Environment
        m::Float64 = 1.0
        l::Float64 = 1.0
        g::Float64 = 10.0
        dt::Float64 = 0.05
        ω_max::Float64 = 8.0
        a_max::Float64 = 2.0
    function (env::InvertedPendulum)(s, a, xs=missing)
        θ, ω = s[1], s[2]
        dt, g, m, l = env.dt, env.g, env.m, env.l
        a = clamp(a, -env.a_max, env.a_max)
        ω = ω + (3g / (2 * l) * sin(θ) + 3 * a / (m * l^2)) * dt
        θ = θ + ω * dt
        ω = clamp(ω, -env.ω_max, env.ω_max)
        return [θ, ω]
    # Initial state distribution
    Ps(env::InvertedPendulum) = MvNormal(zeros(2), diagm([(π/32)^2, 0.5^2]))
    ## Sensor
    struct AdditiveNoiseSensor <: Sensor
    (sensor::AdditiveNoiseSensor)(s) = sensor(s, rand(Do(sensor, s)))
    (sensor::AdditiveNoiseSensor)(s, x) = s + x
    Do(sensor::AdditiveNoiseSensor, s) = sensor.Do
    Os(sensor::AdditiveNoiseSensor) = I

  4. I can't figure out the disturbance distribution for the MediumSystem.

    Expand for a hint.

    You'll first want to define some custom struct:

    struct YourMediumFuzzingDistribution <: TrajectoryDistribution
        # some parameters

    If you're trying fuzzing, the disturbance_distribution for the MediumSystem applies disturbances to the sensor:

    function StanfordAA228V.disturbance_distribution(p::YourMediumFuzzingDistribution, t)
        D = DisturbanceDistribution((o)->Deterministic(),
                                    (s)->MvNormal(SOME_MEAN_VECTOR, SOME_COVARIANCE))
        return D


    struct DisturbanceDistribution
        Da # agent disturbance distribution
        Ds # environment disturbance distribution
        Do # sensor disturbance distribution

    (you don't need to redefine the DisturbanceDistribution struct)

    The initial_state_distribution could be the nominal (shown below) or you could change it:

    function StanfordAA228V.initial_state_distribution(p::YourMediumFuzzingDistribution)
        return MvNormal(zeros(2), diagm([(π/32)^2, 0.5^2]))

    And don't forget the depth function as well!

    StanfordAA228V.depth(p::YourMediumFuzzingDistribution) = get_depth(sys_medium)

    This can then be instantiated (similar to the NominalTrajectoryDistribution) like so:

    = YourMediumFuzzingDistribution(your_parameters_as_input_here)

    And used in the rollout function:

    rollout(sys, qτ; d)

    Note: You should evaluate the logpdf using the nominal trajectory distribution:

    = NominalTrajectoryDistribution(sys, d)
    # use pτ when you call logpdf(pτ, τ)

    See Example 4.3 in the textbook.

  5. What's the code for the LargeSystem?

    Expand for the code.
    ## Agent
    struct InterpAgent <: Agent
    (c::InterpAgent)(s) = argmax([interpolate(c.grid, q, s) for q in c.Q])
    (c::InterpAgent)(s, x) = c(s)
    Distributions.pdf(c::InterpAgent, o, xₐ) = 1.0
    ## Environment
    @with_kw struct CollisionAvoidance <: Environment
        ddh_max::Float64 = 1.0 # [m/s²]
        𝒜::Vector{Float64} = [-5.0, 0.0, 5.0] # [m/s]
        Ds::Sampleable = Normal(0, 1.5)
    # NominalTrajectoryDistribution on the environment (D.Ds)
    Ds(env::CollisionAvoidance, s, a) = env.Ds
    function (env::CollisionAvoidance)(s, a, x)
        a = env.𝒜[a]
        h, dh, a_prev, τ = s
        h = h + dh
        if a != 0.0
            if abs(a - dh) < env.ddh_max
                dh += a
                dh += sign(a - dh) * env.ddh_max
        a_prev = a
        τ = max- 1.0, -1.0)
        return [h, dh + x, a_prev, τ]
    (env::CollisionAvoidance)(s, a) = env(s, a, rand(Ds(env, s, a)))
    # Initial state distribution
    Ps(env::CollisionAvoidance) = product_distribution(
        Uniform(-100, 100),                # Initial h
        Uniform(-10, 10),                  # Initial dh
        DiscreteNonParametric([0], [1.0]), # Initial a_prev
        DiscreteNonParametric([40], [1.0]) # Initial τ
    ## Sensor
    struct IdealSensor <: Sensor end
    (sensor::IdealSensor)(s) = s
    (sensor::IdealSensor)(s, x) = sensor(s)
    Distributions.pdf(sensor::IdealSensor, s, xₛ) = 1.0

  6. I can't figure out the disturbance distribution for the LargeSystem.

    Expand for a hint.

    You'll first want to define some custom struct:

    struct YourLargeFuzzingDistribution <: TrajectoryDistribution
        # some parameters

    If you're trying fuzzing, the disturbance_distribution for the LargeSystem applies disturbances to the environment:

    function StanfordAA228V.disturbance_distribution(p::YourLargeFuzzingDistribution, t)
        D = DisturbanceDistribution((o)->Deterministic(),
                                    (s,a)->Normal(SOME_MEAN, SOME_STD),
        return D


    struct DisturbanceDistribution
        Da # agent disturbance distribution
        Ds # environment disturbance distribution
        Do # sensor disturbance distribution

    (you don't need to redefine the DisturbanceDistribution struct)

    The initial_state_distribution could be the nominal (shown below) or you could change it:

    function StanfordAA228V.initial_state_distribution(p::YourLargeFuzzingDistribution)
    	return product_distribution(
    		Uniform(-100, 100),
    		Uniform(-10, 10),
    		DiscreteNonParametric([0], [1.0]),
    		DiscreteNonParametric([40], [1.0])

    And don't forget the depth function as well!

    StanfordAA228V.depth(p::YourLargeFuzzingDistribution) = get_depth(sys_large)

    This can then be instantiated (similar to the NominalTrajectoryDistribution) like so:

    = YourLargeFuzzingDistribution(your_parameters_as_input_here)

    And used in the rollout function:

    rollout(sys, qτ; d)

    Note: You should evaluate the logpdf using the nominal trajectory distribution:

    = NominalTrajectoryDistribution(sys, d)
    # use pτ when you call logpdf(pτ, τ)

    See Example 4.3 in the textbook for how this is applied to the pendulum.

  7. I'm getting an error saying something like "No method length for MyFuzzingDistribution type" or "UndefKeywordError: keyword argument d not assigned."

    Expand for answer.

    You're likely forgetting to include the <: TrajectoryDistribution to the struct definition of your custom MyFuzzingDistribution

    struct MyFuzzingDistribution <: TrajectoryDistribution
       # some parameters

  8. What are the rollout function signatures?

    Expand for answer.

    The textbook and the StanfordAA228V.jl package define a few rollout functions.

    You can see the src/system.jl file in the StanfordAA228V.jl repo, which defines these rollout functions with the following input signatures:

    rollout(sys::System; d=1)
    rollout(sys::System, s; d)
    rollout(sys::System, s, 𝐱; d=length(𝐱))
    rollout(sys::System, s, p::TrajectoryDistribution; d=depth(p))
    rollout(sys::System, p::TrajectoryDistribution; d=depth(p))


FAQs for the AA228V/CS238V programming projects






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