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Project File Format

sisbell edited this page May 7, 2023 · 1 revision

The project file skeleton structure is given below. Name your project file project.yaml. If you need multiple project files, also use multiple directories.

projectName: your-project-name
projectVersion: '1.0'
apiKeyFile: "../../api_key"
  - blockId: blockId-A
    pluginName: MyGptPlugin
    configuration: {}
    executions: []

Field Description
apiKeyFile path of your api key file. Default value is "api_key" but you must have this file.
outputDir directory where you want to put the output. Default value is "output".
projectName name of your project. Don't use spaces or illegal characters. Required field.
projectVersion version of your project. Don't use spaces or illegal characters. Required field
blocks an array of executable blocks. A block is equivalent to a plugin with execution actions.
blocks.[n].blockId unique id of a block.
blocks.[n].pluginName name of the plugin. This will match to a dart class that implements the block.
blocks.[n].blockRuns number of times to run this block. Default value is 1.
blocks.[n].configuration configuration for the block. This is a common configuration for all executions of the plugin. This will change based on the plugin.
blocks.[n].executions an array of execution details. This is used to provide command parameters to the plugin.
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