Switches 2 relays depending on production/consumption to control charge of a battery and feedin of an inverter
Power: Object that returns your current powerusage/production
Feedin: How much your inverter will feed in
Chargespeed: At what speed your battery will charge
offset: How much extra usage/production you need to react
RunEvery: Run script ever x seconds
DoSleepTo: sleep from ... to (don't feed in)
ChargeWhileSleeping: when true charge the battery while sleeping
SwitchFeedin: device to switch on when feeding in
SwitchCharge: device to switch on when charging battery
Debug: log debug messages when true
InvControlprefix: where to store objects of this script
pvState: if available, read photovoltaic production of a Powerstream
batInputWatts:: if there's a PS, read what the battery is doing
psfeedin: device that measures what the PS is feeding in
isChargeSpeedMeasured: when true, *Power includes consumption of battery charge
enableExcessCharging: when true, try to charge the battery when there's excess solar energy