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WIP: Add support for external Ormolu
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Related to haskell#411
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Julien Debon committed Aug 18, 2023
1 parent 3ffde0d commit 1ee7226
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Showing 2 changed files with 147 additions and 48 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions plugins/hls-ormolu-plugin/hls-ormolu-plugin.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,8 +38,10 @@ library
, lens
, lsp
, mtl
, process-extras >= 0.7.1
, ormolu ^>=0.1.2 || ^>= 0.2 || ^>= 0.3 || ^>= 0.5 || ^>= 0.6 || ^>= 0.7
, text
, transformers

default-language: Haskell2010

Expand All @@ -51,10 +53,15 @@ test-suite tests
hs-source-dirs: test
main-is: Main.hs
ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
, base
, aeson
, containers
, filepath
, hls-ormolu-plugin
, hls-plugin-api
, hls-test-utils ==
, lsp-types
, text
Expand Down
188 changes: 140 additions & 48 deletions plugins/hls-ormolu-plugin/src/Ide/Plugin/Ormolu.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
Expand All @@ -10,103 +13,192 @@ module Ide.Plugin.Ormolu

import Control.Exception (Handler (..), IOException,
SomeException (..), catches)
SomeException (..), catches,
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT (ExceptT), runExceptT,
import Control.Monad.Extra
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT (..), mapExceptT,
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Development.IDE hiding (pluginHandlers)
import Development.IDE.GHC.Compat (hsc_dflags, moduleNameString)
import qualified Development.IDE.GHC.Compat as D
import qualified Development.IDE.GHC.Compat.Util as S
import GHC.LanguageExtensions.Type
import Ide.Plugin.Error (PluginError (PluginInternalError))
import Ide.Plugin.Properties
import Ide.PluginUtils
import Ide.Types hiding (Config)
import qualified Ide.Types as Types
import Language.LSP.Protocol.Message
import Language.LSP.Protocol.Types
import Language.LSP.Server hiding (defaultConfig)
import Ormolu
import System.FilePath (takeFileName)
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
import System.Process.Run (cwd, proc)
import System.Process.Text (readCreateProcessWithExitCode)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

descriptor :: Recorder (WithPriority T.Text) -> PluginId -> PluginDescriptor IdeState
descriptor :: Recorder (WithPriority LogEvent) -> PluginId -> PluginDescriptor IdeState
descriptor recorder plId = (defaultPluginDescriptor plId)
{ pluginHandlers = mkFormattingHandlers $ provider recorder
{ pluginHandlers = mkFormattingHandlers $ provider recorder plId
, pluginConfigDescriptor = defaultConfigDescriptor{configCustomConfig = mkCustomConfig properties}

properties :: Properties '[ 'PropertyKey "external" 'TBoolean]
properties =
& defineBooleanProperty
"Call out to an external \"ormolu\" executable, rather than using the bundled library"

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

provider :: Recorder (WithPriority T.Text) -> FormattingHandler IdeState
provider recorder ideState typ contents fp _ = ExceptT $ withIndefiniteProgress title Cancellable $ runExceptT $ do
ghc <- liftIO $ runAction "Ormolu" ideState $ use GhcSession fp
let df = hsc_dflags . hscEnv <$> ghc
fileOpts <- case df of
Nothing -> pure []
Just df -> pure $ fromDyn df

logWith recorder Debug $ "Using ormolu-" <> VERSION_ormolu

fullRegion = RegionIndices Nothing Nothing
rangeRegion s e = RegionIndices (Just $ s + 1) (Just $ e + 1)
mkConf o region = defaultConfig { cfgDynOptions = o, cfgRegion = region }
fmt :: T.Text -> Config RegionIndices -> IO (Either SomeException T.Text)
fmt cont conf = flip catches handlers $ do
let fp' = fromNormalizedFilePath fp
provider :: Recorder (WithPriority LogEvent) -> PluginId -> FormattingHandler IdeState
provider recorder plId ideState typ contents fp _ = ExceptT $ withIndefiniteProgress title Cancellable $ runExceptT $ do
fileOpts <-
maybe [] (fromDyn . hsc_dflags . hscEnv)
<$> liftIO (runAction "Ormolu" ideState $ use GhcSession fp)
useCLI <- liftIO $ runAction "Ormolu" ideState $ usePropertyAction #external plId properties

if useCLI
then mapExceptT liftIO $ ExceptT
$ handle @IOException
(pure . Left . PluginInternalError . T.pack . show)
$ runExceptT $ cliHandler fileOpts
else do
logWith recorder Debug $ LogCompiledInVersion VERSION_ormolu

fmt :: T.Text -> Config RegionIndices -> IO (Either SomeException T.Text)
fmt cont conf = flip catches handlers $ do
#if MIN_VERSION_ormolu(0,5,3)
cabalInfo <- getCabalInfoForSourceFile fp' <&> \case
CabalNotFound -> Nothing
CabalDidNotMention cabalInfo -> Just cabalInfo
CabalFound cabalInfo -> Just cabalInfo
cabalInfo <- getCabalInfoForSourceFile fp' <&> \case
CabalNotFound -> Nothing
CabalDidNotMention cabalInfo -> Just cabalInfo
CabalFound cabalInfo -> Just cabalInfo
#if MIN_VERSION_ormolu(0,7,0)
(fixityOverrides, moduleReexports) <- getDotOrmoluForSourceFile fp'
let conf' = refineConfig ModuleSource cabalInfo (Just fixityOverrides) (Just moduleReexports) conf
(fixityOverrides, moduleReexports) <- getDotOrmoluForSourceFile fp'
let conf' = refineConfig ModuleSource cabalInfo (Just fixityOverrides) (Just moduleReexports) conf
fixityOverrides <- traverse getFixityOverridesForSourceFile cabalInfo
let conf' = refineConfig ModuleSource cabalInfo fixityOverrides conf
fixityOverrides <- traverse getFixityOverridesForSourceFile cabalInfo
let conf' = refineConfig ModuleSource cabalInfo fixityOverrides conf
let cont' = cont
let cont' = cont
let conf' = conf
cont' = T.unpack cont
let conf' = conf
cont' = T.unpack cont
Right <$> ormolu conf' fp' cont'
handlers =
[ Handler $ pure . Left . SomeException @OrmoluException
, Handler $ pure . Left . SomeException @IOException

case typ of
FormatText -> do
res <- liftIO $ fmt contents (mkConf fileOpts fullRegion)
ret res
FormatRange (Range (Position sl _) (Position el _)) -> do
res <- liftIO $ fmt contents (mkConf fileOpts (rangeRegion (fromIntegral sl) (fromIntegral el)))
ret res
Right <$> ormolu conf' fp' cont'
handlers =
[ Handler $ pure . Left . SomeException @OrmoluException
, Handler $ pure . Left . SomeException @IOException

res <- liftIO $ fmt contents defaultConfig { cfgDynOptions = map DynOption fileOpts, cfgRegion = region }
ret res
fp' = fromNormalizedFilePath fp

region :: RegionIndices
region = case typ of
FormatText ->
RegionIndices Nothing Nothing
FormatRange (Range (Position sl _) (Position el _)) ->
RegionIndices (Just $ fromIntegral $ sl + 1) (Just $ fromIntegral $ el + 1)

title = T.pack $ "Formatting " <> takeFileName (fromNormalizedFilePath fp)

ret :: Either SomeException T.Text -> ExceptT PluginError (LspM Types.Config) ([TextEdit] |? Null)
ret (Left err) = throwError $ PluginInternalError . T.pack $ "ormoluCmd: " ++ show err
ret (Right new) = pure $ InL $ makeDiffTextEdit contents new

fromDyn :: D.DynFlags -> [DynOption]
fromDyn :: D.DynFlags -> [String]
fromDyn df =
pp =
let p = D.sPgm_F $ D.settings df
in ["-pgmF=" <> p | not (null p)]
pm = ("-fplugin=" <>) . moduleNameString <$> D.pluginModNames df
ex = showExtension <$> S.toList (D.extensionFlags df)
DynOption <$> pp <> pm <> ex
in pp <> pm <> ex

cliHandler :: [String] -> ExceptT PluginError IO ([TextEdit] |? Null)
cliHandler fileOpts = do
CLIVersionInfo{noCabal} <- do -- check Ormolu version so that we know which flags to use
(exitCode, out, _err) <- liftIO $ readCreateProcessWithExitCode ( proc "ormolu" ["--version"] ) ""
let version = do
guard $ exitCode == ExitSuccess
"ormolu" : v : _ <- pure $ T.words out
traverse (readMaybe @Int . T.unpack) $ T.splitOn "." v
case version of
Just v -> do
logWith recorder Debug $ LogExternalVersion v
pure CLIVersionInfo
{ noCabal = v >= [0, 7]
Nothing -> do
logWith recorder Debug $ LogExternalVersion []
logWith recorder Warning $ NoVersion out
pure CLIVersionInfo
{ noCabal = True
(exitCode, out, err) <- -- run Ormolu
liftIO $ readCreateProcessWithExitCode
( proc "ormolu" $
map ("--ghc-opt" <>) fileOpts
<> mwhen noCabal ["--no-cabal"]
<> catMaybes
[ ("--start-line=" <>) . show <$> regionStartLine region
, ("--end-line=" <>) . show <$> regionEndLine region
){cwd = Just $ takeDirectory fp'}
case exitCode of
ExitSuccess -> do
logWith recorder Debug $ StdErr err
pure $ InL $ makeDiffTextEdit contents out
ExitFailure n -> do
logWith recorder Info $ StdErr err
throwError $ PluginInternalError $ "Ormolu failed with exit code " <> T.pack (show n)

newtype CLIVersionInfo = CLIVersionInfo
{ noCabal :: Bool

data LogEvent
= NoVersion Text
| ConfigPath FilePath
| StdErr Text
| LogCompiledInVersion String
| LogExternalVersion [Int]
deriving (Show)

instance Pretty LogEvent where
pretty = \case
NoVersion t -> "Couldn't get Ormolu version:" <> line <> indent 2 (pretty t)
ConfigPath p -> "Loaded Ormolu config from: " <> pretty (show p)
StdErr t -> "Ormolu stderr:" <> line <> indent 2 (pretty t)
LogCompiledInVersion v -> "Using compiled in ormolu-" <> pretty v
LogExternalVersion v ->
"Using external ormolu"
<> if null v then "" else "-"
<> pretty (intercalate "." $ map show v)

showExtension :: Extension -> String
showExtension Cpp = "-XCPP"
showExtension other = "-X" ++ show other

mwhen :: Monoid a => Bool -> a -> a
mwhen b x = if b then x else mempty

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