Note: This app is currently still in development.
EATS is a web application developed as the phase 5 project for Flatiron School in Houston, Texas. Its primary goal is to address the common issue of finding food quickly when you're hungry. We understand that when hunger strikes, you don't want to waste time searching through endless results on the web to find the right place to eat. With "EATS.", we aim to make the process much easier by providing a user-friendly interface that allows you to view food options and find their locations with just a click of a button. The UI is designed using Material UI, ensuring a seamless and delightful user experience.
To get started with the EATS frontend, follow these steps:
- Clone this repository to your local machine.
- Navigate to the project directory.
- Run
npm install
to install the project's dependencies. - Run
npm run dev
to start the development server.
The app will be accessible at http://localhost:3001
in your web browser.
The backend for this application can be found in a separate repository: rails-eats-2. Be sure to set up and run the backend server BEFORE THIS ONE as well to enable full functionality.
- The application is still in active development.
In the project directory, you can run the following scripts:
npm run dev
: Launches the app in development mode. Openhttp://localhost:3001
to view it in the browser. -
npm run build
: Builds the app for production and creates abuild
folder. The React app is bundled and optimized for the best performance. The build process includes minification, and the filenames include unique hashes. -
npm run start
: Starts the production-ready application after running the build script.
- Thanks to the Flatiron School for providing the opportunity to work on this project.
- Special thanks to the open-source community for the tools and libraries that make projects like this possible.