Releases: sionyx/ChLayout
Releases · sionyx/ChLayout
Swift Package Manager Support
UICollectionView: fixed constructor
UICollectionView: fixed constructor
Inline property setter, inline block calls, new properties
New inline methods:
- Inline property setters: .ch.set
- Inline method calls: .ch.exec, .ch.perform
- Inline view helpers: .addSubview .insertSubview
New properties:
- UIView
- hidden
- alpha
- contentHuggingPriority
- horizontalContentHuggingPriority
- verticalContentHuggingPriority
- UILabel
- minimumScaleFactor
- UIButton
- titleFont
- contentEdgeInsets
- titleEdgeInsets
- imageEdgeInsets
- UIScrollView
- contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior
- UITableView
- allowsSelection
- separatorStyle
- separatorColor
- UIActivityIndicatorView
- color
- style
- UIRefreshControl
- tintColor
- attributedTitle
New layouts, new properties
Static layout creation
Allows you to use shorten syntax for layouts:
view.fillLayout {
.verticalSplitLayout {
New layouts:
- UIView.positionLayout
- UIView.floodLayout
- UIView.fillLayout with maximum width
New properties
- UITextField
- UIScrollView
- UICollectionView
- UIActivityIndicatorView
New defaults
New defaults:
- zero margin is set to default;
- translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints is false by default.
New property setters:
- add imageNamed to UIButton.
First Release
- Basic features
- 5 layouts:
- FillLayout
- SafeAreaLayout
- VerticalSplitLayout
- VerticalStackLayout
- ScrollableVerticalStackLayout (UIScrollView)