Version 2.9.6
Version 2.9.6
- Namespace implemented
Each version gets its own namespace in the form of SINRICPRO_X_Y_Z (SINRICPRO_2_9_6) - SinricProDevice: implemented registerRequestHandler (used by capabilities to register their requestHandler functions)
- Implemented SinricProStrings to avoid unnecessary string duplication and move the strings into PROGMEM.
- New temperature sensors example added HTU21D & AHT10 (thanks to jpa-welten)
Removed types:
. These are now again of typeString
. -
Include guard is now based on
#pragma once
instead of#ifndef
Event-Limiting system changed
Attempting to send events shorter than these minimum waiting times will add the minimum waiting time as a delay to each attempt. If excessive events are tried to be sent (e.g. in a loop) a warning is displayed.Events overview (click for more details)
Events allowed every 10 seconds Events allowed every 60 seconds sendBrightnessEvent sendAirQualityEvent sendChangeChannelEvent sendPowerSensorEvent sendColorEvent sendTemperatureEvent sendColoColorTemperatureEvent sendContactEvent sendDoorbellEvent sendDoorStateEvent sendBandsEvent sendSelectInputEvent sendLockStateEvent sendModeEvent sendMediaControlEvent sendMotionEvent sendMuteEvent sendSetPercentageEvent sendPowerLevelEvent sendPowerStateEvent sendRangeValueEvent sendTargetTemperatureEvent sendThermostatModeEvent sendToggleStateEvent sendVolumeEvent
Code cleanup
- Moved callback definitions outside from class definitions
(possible by the use of a dedicated namespace) - Static-Cast (CRTP) unified to Pointer.