Here, we keep stuff that is pertinent to the DAS project but doesn't belong to any of the other project's specific repositories, such as automated deployment scripts, API and high level documentation, assets used by other repositories' CI/CD scripts, etc.
- DAS API - Documentation of DAS API
- DAS User's Guide (Jupyter Notebook) (Markdown) - Document with code snippets showing how to use DAS.
- DAS Overview - Description of main DAS components and deployment architecture.
- DAS Toolbox User's Guide - A guide with detailed instructions to use the DAS Server Toolbox.
- Release Notes - Release notes of all DAS components.
In addition to this one, we use many other repositories in the project.
- Query Engine - Source code for hyperon-das, the Python library with the main DAS API.
- Atom DB - Source code for hyperon-das-atomdb, a Python library required by hyperon-das to interface with DBMSs and other data storage structures.
- Serverless Functions and OpenFaaS Templates - Source code of client/server communication components in DAS Server FaaS architecture.
- Attention Broker - DAS component which keeps track of atom's importance values attached to different contexts and update those values according to the queries made by users using context specific hebbian networks.
- DAS MeTTa Parser - A simplified MeTTa parser used to feed knowledge bases into DAS.
- DAS Server Toolbox - A set of tools to deploy and setup a DAS server.
- Infrastructure setup - Tools and assets required to provision and setup servers in cloud providers.
- Public board - GitHub project board used to track bug reports, feature requests and major new features planning. Use this board to report bugs or request new features.
- Development board - Used internally by the DAS Team to track issues and tasks.
- Contribution guidelines