This gem simplifies the effort to add/delete/list rules using the Gnip Rules API. It handles HTTP request/response and helps your rules conform to Gnip's restrictions.
gem install gnip-rule
or add the following to your Gemfile
gem 'gnip-rule'
require 'gnip-rule'
# Add as a String, Rule, or Array of either
rules.add('bar', 'tag')
rules.add(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], 'tag')
rules.add('value', 'tag'))
rules.add(['foo', 'bar'),'baz', 'tag2')])
# Same with delete
rules.delete('baz', 'tag')
rules.delete(['foo', 'bar'])
rules.delete('value', 'tag'))
# Get all rules
rules_list = rules.list()
rules_list.each { |rule| rule.valid? }
jsonified = { |rule| rule.as_json `}
rules_tagged_foo = { |rule| rule.tag == 'foo' }
See .travis.yml for Ruby versions used in testing.
When submitting pull requests, please do the following to make it easier to incorporate your changes:
- Include unit and/or functional specs that validate changes you're making.
- Rebase your changes onto the HEAD of my fork if you can do so cleanly.
- If submitting additional functionality, provide an example of how to use it.
- Please keep code style consistent with surrounding code.
You can run all tests by simply running bundle exec rake test
from your favorite shell.
Licenced under the MIT License
@eriwen and @singlebrook wrote this software. It is provided free of charge. If you find
it helpful, please endorse @eriwen on coderwall:
and check out Singlebrook.