This app provies a REST-API that returns pinned repos and related data of a GitHub's user.
API endpoint:
username of a GitHub user (eg: blink98) will return 3 values: name, url and, description of all the pinned repos. It is a path parameter in the API.
needRepoImage is a query parameter that takes either true or false and returns the social preview of all the pinned repos along with the above mentioned values.
needGhApiData is a query parameter that takes either true or false and returns the official GitHub data of all the pinned repos (using official GitHub API:[username]/github-pinned-repos).
You can find in detail tutorial of this app here.
Template- :feature_emoji: [FEATURE CATEGORY] commit message
⭐ :star: [FEAT]
😒 :unamused: [CHORES]
🛠️ :hammer_and_wrench: [UPDATE]
🌈 :rainbow: [STYLE]
📝 :memo: [DOCS]
♻️ :recycle: [REFACTOR]