I'm following along on an NYU Shanghai's Functional Programming course taught by Professor Paul Mellies. We're using Haskell.
I like it so far because it stimulates my brain to think in a rather new way compared to how I've been oriented to think for the past 6 years of programming.
The slides are good to get an overview-level understanding of the material but I've been learning the most from doing the homework and reading through this amazing instruction book online: Learn You a Haskell.
- Getting started with Haskell Slides
- Functions and functional programming Slides
- Lambda functions and lexical scope Slides
- First-class functions Slides
- Closures and partial application Slides
- Lists Slides
- Rules for recursion and pattern matching Slides
- Writing recursive functions Slides
- Higher-order functions Slides
- Capstone: Functional object-oriented programming with robots! Slides
- Type basics Slides
- Creating your own types Slides
Homework 1 on Church numerals in Haskell Homework 2 on DNA sequences and prime numbers in Haskell