- Javascript (React)
- Fleek (Website Deployment)
$ cd blockfolio
$ npm install
$ npm start
Under Hosting click on Add New Site
Click on the Connect with GitHub button
If not shown in the dropdown, you'll want to click near the bottom "Configure the Fleek app on GitHub". Configure account, then select the portfolio_template repository.
Select IPFS, this should be the default selection
Deploy Settings should be left at default values, make sure the master branch is selected.
For the basic build settings, it should automatically detect Create React App. However, make sure the following values are correct:
- Framework: Create React App
- Docker Image Name: fleek/create-react-app:node-16
- Build Command: npm install && npm run build
- Publish Directory: build
You can leave Base Directory empty then click on Deploy site.
After the build is complete, the link to the site will be shown at the end of the console output.