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NuoDB Streaming Data Pipeline Example

How to use modern, real-time, distributed SQL and streaming technologies to build the foundation for a scalable data pipeline. This demo will use these technologies:

  • NuoDB
  • Spark
  • Kafka
  • Scala
  • Akka

Step 1: Install Pre-Requisites

This demo uses an installation running on AWS

Step 2: Clone the NuoDB-Kafka-SparkStreaming repository

The first step is to clone this repo to a directory on the machine where you have previously installed NuoDB in Step 1:

$ git clone

Step 3: Create The Data Model

To create this schema and the tables described below, run the create schema script:

nuosql <db-name> --user <username> --password <password>

For example: To create the application schema run the create schema script:

nuosql hockey --user dba --password dba

Next, run the schema creation script itself:

SQL> @creates_and_inserts.sql

This creates the following tables:

  • transactions - the main transactions table
  • hourlyaggregates_bycc - hourly roll-up of transactions by credit card
  • dailyaggregates_bycc - daily roll-up of transactions by credit card
  • monthlyaggregates_bycc - monthly roll-up of transactions by credit card
  • yearlyaggregates_bycc - yearly roll-up of transactions by credit card
  • dailytxns_bymerchant - daily roll-up of transactions by merchant
  • txn_count_min - track transactions in a rolling window for analytics

The create script also creates some sample data for example:

INSERT INTO transactions (year, month, day, hour, min, txn_time, cc_no, amount, cc_provider, location, merchant, notes, status, txn_id, user_id, tag)
VALUES ( 2019, 03, 17, 21, 04, '2019-03-17 21:04:19', '1234123412341234', 200.0, 'VISA','San Francisco', 'Nordstrom', 'asked for discounts', 'Approved', '763629', 'tomdavis', 'Fraudulent');

Simple queries

We can now run SQL queries to look up all transactions for a given credit card (cc_no). The Transactions table is primarily write-oriented - it's the destination table for the streamed transactions and used for searches and we don't update the transactions once they have been written.

The table has a primary key so a typical query would look like this:

SQL> SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE cc_no='1234123412341234' and year=2019 and month=3 and day=9;

 ------- ---------------- ----- ------ ---- ------------------- ------- ------------ -------- ---------- ----- --------- --------- ---- -------------------- -------- ---------- --------

 098765  1234123412341234 2019    3     9   2019-03-09 11:04:19   200       VISA      <null>    <null>    11    London   Ted Baker  4   pretty good clothing Approved Suspicious tomdavis

The roll-up tables can also be queried - for example transactions for each merchant by day use the dailytxns_bymerchant table.

The roll-up tables are empty at this point - they get populated using the Spark batch and streaming analytics jobs that we run later.

Searching with SQL

Structured Query Language (SQL) allows you to search for data in the database tables that were created above.

For example, get all transactions for a specified card number.

 SQL> select txn_id, cc_no, merchant,amount from transactions WHERE cc_no='1234123412341234' order by txn_id;

                TXN_ID                     CC_NO       MERCHANT  AMOUNT
 ------------------------------------ ---------------- --------- -------

 62d1be5d-15f3-4d04-88ad-a937a3b49e95 1234123412341234 Ted Baker   200

Get transactions by first 6 digits of cc_no and status.

SQL> SELECT * FROM transactions where cc_no like '123412%' and status='Rejected';

 ------- ---------------- ----- ------ ---- ------------------- ------- ------------ -------- ---------- ----- ------------- --------- ---- ------------------- -------- ---------- --------

 763629  1234123412341234 2019    3     17  2019-03-17 21:04:19   200       VISA      <null>    <null>    21   San Francisco Nordstrom  4   asked for discounts Rejected Fraudulent tomdavis

When we start generating some live data we'll be able to analyse up-to-date information.

Step 4: Analyzing data using NuoDB Spark Analytics

NuoDB provides integration with Spark via the NuoDB JDBC driver to enable real-time analysis of data.

Streaming Analytics

The streaming analytics element of this application is made up of two parts:

  • A transaction "producer" - a Scala/Akka app that generates random credit card transactions and then places those transactions onto a Kafka queue.
  • A transaction "consumer" - also written in Scala, is a Spark streaming job that (a) consumes the messages put on the Kafka queue, and then (b) parses those messages, evalutes the transaction status and then writes them to the NuoDB table transactions.

It also generates rolling summary lines into the txn_count_min table every minute.

Streaming analytics code can be found under the directory TransactionHandlers/producer (pre-requisite: make sure you have run the SQL schema create script as described above to create the necessary tables).

Follow the Kafka, Spark streaming and SBT installation and set up instructions here:

Build the packages

At this point you should have NuoDB, Kafka, Spark and SBT installed. configured and running.

  • You should have already created the NuoDB tables using the creates_and_inserts.cql script
  • All components should be working e.g. Zookeeper, Kafka

If you are restarting the demo you can clear the tables using the clear_tables.cql script

  1. Navigate to the project TransactionHandlers directory:

    $ cd <path>/NuoDB-Kafka-SparkStreaming/TransactionHandlers

    Update sbt (may take a little while):

    $ sbt update
    [info] Done updating.
    [success] Total time: 8 s, completed 20-Dec-2019 01:19:04

    Clean up the build environment:

$ sbt clean
[info] Loading project definition from /home/ec2-user/NuoDB-Kafka-SparkStreaming/TransactionHandlers/project
[info] Loading settings from build.sbt ...
[info] Set current project to transactionhandlers (in build file:/home/ec2-user/NuoDB-Kafka-SparkStreaming/TransactionHandlers/)
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed 20-Jan-2020 21:26:06
  1. Build the Producer app with this command:

    $ sbt producer/package

    Make sure the build is successful:

    [info] Done packaging.
    [success] Total time: 5 s, completed 30-Dec-2019 15:31:16

    If there are any errors reported, you must resolve them before continuing.

  2. Build the Consumer app with this command:

    $ sbt consumer/package

    Make sure the build is successful:

    [info] Done packaging.
    [success] Total time: 14 s, completed 30-Dec-2019 15:34:42

    If there are any errors reported, you must resolve them before continuing.

5. Run the demo

At this point the code has compiled successfully.

The next step is to start the producer and consumer to start generating and receiving transactions.

Start the Transaction Producer app

From the root directory of the project (<install path>/NuoDB-Kafka-SparkStreaming/TransactionHandlers) start the producer app:

Navigate to the TransactionHandlers directory

$ cd /<install path>/NuoDB-Kafka-SparkStreaming/TransactionHandlers

Start the producer app:

$ sbt producer/run

After some initial output you will see card transactions being created and posted to Kafka:

kafkaTopic NewTransactions
maxNumTransPerWait 5
waitMillis 500
runDurationSeconds -1
[DEBUG] [01/20/2020 21:15:31.737] [run-main-0] [EventStream(akka://TransactionProducer)] logger log1-Logging$DefaultLogger started
[DEBUG] [01/20/2020 21:15:31.738] [run-main-0] [EventStream(akka://TransactionProducer)] Default Loggers started
2 Transactions created.
(cc_no=,1004000087276326, txn_time=,2020-01-20 21:15:31.894, items=,Item_84504->627.04,Item_52160->289.01, amount=,916.05)
(cc_no=,6997000002220440, txn_time=,2020-01-20 21:15:31.921, items=,Item_33526->307.41,Item_92629->654.06, amount=,961.46)
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details.
3 Transactions created.
(cc_no=,7892000058641377, txn_time=,2020-01-20 21:15:32.672, items=,Item_99662->331.93,Item_25323->503.12, amount=,835.04)
4 Transactions created.
(cc_no=,0983000074313343, txn_time=,2020-01-20 21:15:32.866, items=,Item_56422->409.64,Item_83718->270.11, amount=,679.75)
9 Transactions created.
(cc_no=,3580000028152903, txn_time=,2020-01-20 21:15:33.366, items=,Item_11331->525.67,Item_69284->461.34, amount=,987.01)
(cc_no=,0317000033050234, txn_time=,2020-01-20 21:15:33.368, items=,Item_33928->980.74,Item_84843->622.12,Item_35138->147.29,Item_8403->868.42, amount=,2618.57)
(cc_no=,6759000070941524, txn_time=,2020-01-20 21:15:33.369, items=,Item_22633->707.37,Item_36292->172.56,Item_93730->620.76,Item_68802->363.97, amount=,1864.67)
(cc_no=,1544000004428021, txn_time=,2020-01-20 21:15:33.37, items=,Item_67668->236.24,Item_93556->325.77,Item_94628->547.71, amount=,1109.72)
(cc_no=,9768000066399852, txn_time=,2020-01-20 21:15:33.372, items=,Item_63199->855.43, amount=,855.43)
14 Transactions created.
(cc_no=,8301000091470542, txn_time=,2020-01-20 21:15:33.867, items=,Item_86836->392.50, amount=,392.50)
(cc_no=,6109000041496035, txn_time=,2020-01-20 21:15:33.867, items=,Item_51891->635.31,Item_74233->607.48,Item_20548->36.43, amount=,1279.22)
(cc_no=,3634000010746158, txn_time=,2020-01-20 21:15:33.868, items=,Item_63266->720.26,Item_82703->910.15,Item_83318->209.00,Item_79596->241.54, amount=,2080.95)
(cc_no=,8554000034050944, txn_time=,2020-01-20 21:15:33.87, items=,Item_85404->169.94,Item_84596->368.18,Item_9159->699.59, amount=,1237.71)
(cc_no=,8039000079660074, txn_time=,2020-01-20 21:15:33.872, items=,Item_34616->83.95,Item_76718->478.09,Item_31061->763.11,Item_92097->194.94, amount=,1520.09)
15 Transactions created.

Leave this job running to continue to generate transactions.

Start the Transaction Consumer app

  1. Start the consumer app.

Navigate to the TransactionHandlers directory

$ cd /<install path>/NuoDB-Kafka-SparkStreaming/TransactionHandlers

The spark-submit command is used to submit a spark job - use the script, containing the following:

IVY_PATH=$HOME/.ivy2 export IVY_PATH
spark-submit --jars $IVY_PATH/cache/com.typesafe/config/bundles/config-1.3.2.jar \
--packages org.apache.spark:spark-streaming-kafka_2.11:1.6.3 \
--class TransactionConsumer consumer/target/scala-2.11/consumer_2.11-0.1.jar \

After some initial output you will see records being consumed from Kafka by Spark:

Ivy Default Cache set to: /home/ec2-user/.ivy2/cache
The jars for the packages stored in: /home/ec2-user/.ivy2/jars
:: loading settings :: url = jar:file:/opt/spark-2.4.4-bin-hadoop2.7/jars/ivy-2.4.0.jar!/org/apache/ivy/core/settings/ivysettings.xml
org.apache.spark#spark-streaming-kafka_2.11 added as a dependency
:: resolving dependencies :: org.apache.spark#spark-submit-parent-9709a523-797a-498a-8e00-e24541898793;1.0
11 rows processed...
20/01/10 11:39:17 WARN JdbcUtils: Requested isolation level 1 is not supported; falling back to default isolation level 8
|           cc_no|cc_provider|year|month|day|hour|min|            txn_time|              txn_id|            merchant|location|country| amount|  status|date_text|
|9556000017215010|       9556|2020|    0| 10|  11| 39|2020-01-10 11:39:...|efaf0b45-ffc1-455...|Royal Ahold / Aho...|        |     MW|1181.05|APPROVED| 20200010|
|5602000016586055|       5602|2020|    0| 10|  11| 39|2020-01-10 11:39:...|1109c36b-0fd7-430...|Apple Store / iTunes|        |     IN| 518.22|APPROVED| 20200010|
|2942000069912401|       2942|2020|    0| 10|  11| 39|2020-01-10 11:39:...|a9965b1d-b645-4e4...|              Hy-Vee|        |     IN| 137.27|APPROVED| 20200010|
3 rows processed...

20/01/10 11:39:17 WARN JdbcUtils: Requested isolation level 1 is not supported; falling back to default isolation level 8
|           cc_no|cc_provider|year|month|day|hour|min|            txn_time|              txn_id|      merchant|location|country| amount|  status|date_text|
|0193000050861128|       0193|2020|    0| 10|  11| 39|2020-01-10 11:39:...|fb3699fe-ffa6-41f...|     SUPERVALU|        |     CN|2678.76|REJECTED| 20200010|
|0141000023339623|       0141|2020|    0| 10|  11| 39|2020-01-10 11:39:...|cbd8dc59-76d6-418...|Sears Holdings|        |     ID| 160.63|REJECTED| 20200010|
|3166000054723312|       3166|2020|    0| 10|  11| 39|2020-01-10 11:39:...|d059ce58-5550-440...|  CVS Caremark|        |     ZM|1209.88|APPROVED| 20200010|
|3065000022321091|       3065|2020|    0| 10|  11| 39|2020-01-10 11:39:...|b03f4ad7-a24b-4ab...|The Home Depot|        |     ET|2480.83|APPROVED| 20200010|
|1952000011547808|       1952|2020|    0| 10|  11| 39|2020-01-10 11:39:...|ffe30ab9-d742-4a3...|      Walgreen|        |     BR| 2152.1|APPROVED| 20200010|
only showing top 5 rows

Leave this job running to continue to process transactions.

  1. At this point you can use NuoSQL to check the number of rows in the Transactions table - you should see that there are records appearing as they are posted by the consumer process:
SQL> select count(*) from transactions;



SQL> select * from transactions limit 10;

              TXN_ID                     CC_NO       YEAR  MONTH  DAY         TXN_TIME         AMOUNT  CC_PROVIDER  COUNTRY  DATE_TEXT  HOUR    LOCATION       MERCHANT     MIN            NOTES             STATUS     TAG        USER_ID
------------------------------------ ---------------- ----- ------ ---- ----------------------- ------- ------------ -------- ---------- ----- ------------- --------------- ---- -------------------------- -------- ---------- -------------

62d1be5d-15f3-4d04-88ad-a937a3b49e95 1234123412341234 2020    1     2   2020-01-02 11:04:19     200      VISA         <null>   <null>     11   London        Ted Baker         4  pretty good clothing       Approved Suspicious tomdavis
63d1be5d-15f3-4d04-88ad-a937a3b49e95 1234123412341235 2020    1     2   2020-01-02 11:04:24     400      VISA         <null>   <null>     11   Manchester    Macy              4  cool stuff-good customer   Approved HighValue  simonanbridge
64d1be5d-15f3-4d04-88ad-a937a3b49e95 1234123412341235 2020    1     2   2020-01-02 11:04:53     800      VISA         <null>   <null>     11   London        Harrods           4  customer likes electronics Approved HighValue  simonanbridge
65d1be5d-15f3-4d04-88ad-a937a3b49e95 1234123412341236 2020    1     3   2020-01-03 11:04:59     750      MASTERCARD   <null>   <null>     11   San Jose      GAP               4  customer likes electronics Approved HighValue  mikestewart
66d1be5d-15f3-4d04-88ad-a937a3b49e95 1234123412341237 2020    1     3   2020-01-03 12:30:00     1500     AMEX         <null>   <null>     12   New York      Ann Taylor       30  frequent customer          Approved HighValue  caroline
67d1be5d-15f3-4d04-88ad-a937a3b49e95 1234123412341234 2020    1     3   2020-01-04 21:04:19     200      VISA         <null>   <null>     21   San Francisco Nordstrom         4  asked for discounts        Approved Fraudulent tomdavis
047b4338-f298-4641-b616-a091086ef758 4130000045996385 2020    0     7   2020-01-07 19:49:14.168 2686.52  4130         CN       20200007    7                 H-E-B Grocery    49  <null>                     APPROVED <null>     <null>
4c4e3859-c92e-4f0e-8759-617b1d081179 1474000013828218 2020    0     7   2020-01-07 19:49:14.169 786.38   1474         IN       20200007    7                 Starbucks        49  <null>                     APPROVED <null>     <null>
73ba658b-b810-4dd1-8976-0b1064212c06 5552000004197795 2020    0     7   2020-01-07 19:49:14.169 1426.29  5552         GH       20200007    7                 CVS Caremark     49  <null>                     APPROVED <null>     <null>
fcaf0c8a-6082-43b4-bc46-eca8378409fc 5391000063419149 2020    0     7   2020-01-07 19:49:14.17  1862.27  5391         CN       20200007    7                 Wal-Mart Stores  49  <null>                     APPROVED <null>     <null>

  1. Every 60 seconds you will also see the consumer process generate output similar to the following:
  Time=Sat Dec 03 00:37:44 GMT 2019
  |year|month|day|hour|minute|               time|approved_rate_min|ttl_txn_min|approved_txn_min| approved_rate_hr|ttl_txn_hr|approved_txn_hr|
  |2019|   12|  3|   0|    37|2019-12-03 00:37:44|94.55958549222798|        386|             365|95.27943966146213|     13706|          13059|

This is real-time analysis of the approved vs. rejected transactions rate and percentage.

These records are stored in the txn_count_min table, for example:

SQL> SELECT * FROM txn_count_min;

----- ------ ---- ----- ------- ------------------- ----------------- ------------------ ---------------- ----------------- ----------- ------------

2020    1     7    19     50    2020-01-07 19:50:14 94.87179487179486 94.87179487179486         333              333            351         351
2020    1     7    19     51    2020-01-07 19:51:14 95.70200573065902 96.54178674351584         668              335            698         347
2020    1     7    19     52    2020-01-07 19:52:14 95.635305528613   95.4954954954955          986              318           1031         333
2020    1     7    19     53    2020-01-07 19:53:14 94.92857142857143 92.95392953929539        1329              343           1400         369
2020    1     7    20     35    2020-01-07 20:35:51 96                96                         96               96            100         10000:03:44+0000 |       1414 |         352


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