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. Archive of katas that I have solved

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The Deaf Rats of Hamelin (6ku)

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My Solution

Somebody solved with JUST ONE recursion! Amazing! Check this variant

Two Sum (6ku)

Kata Link My Solution

Learned that you can traverse lists like this

allCombinations xs = [(x,y) | x <- xs, y <- xs]
-- allCombinations [1,2,3]
-- [(1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(3,1),(3,2),(3,3)]

Also you can use zip [0..] to get indexes!!!

tryOutZip list = [(fst x, fst y, snd x + snd y) | x <- zipped, y <- zipped]
        zipped = zip [0..] list
-- tryOutZip [1,2,3]
-- [(0,0,2),(0,1,3),(0,2,4),(1,0,3),(1,1,4),(1,2,5),(2,0,4),(2,1,5),(2,2,6)]

Then you can restrict by index, and build only needed combinations

tryOutZip list = [(fst x, fst y, snd x + snd y) | x <- zipped, y <- zipped, fst x < fst y]
        zipped = zip [0..] list
-- tryOutZip [1,2,3]
-- [(0,1,3),(0,2,4),(1,2,5)]

Find the odd int (6ku)

Kata link My Solution

Somebody solved by just using Binary xor

import Data.Bits (xor)

findOdd :: [Int] -> Int
findOdd = foldr xor 0

for example if we take [5,6,6]

  1. 0 xor 5 = 5
  2. 5 xor 6 = 3
  3. 3 xor 6 = 5

for [2,1,3,2,3]

  1. 0 xor 2 = 2
  2. 2 xor 1 = 3
  3. 3 xor 3 = 0
  4. 0 xor 2 = 2
  5. 2 xor 3 = 1

First Variation on Caesar Cipher 5ku

My First 5ku Kata in Haskell!!!

Kata Link

My Solution

Used Data.List.Split For a first time chunksOf was very helpfull for this task ))

To many brackets

Haskell is getting kind of anoying with no brackets, and discoragment of variables...

moveChar :: Int -> (Int -> Int) -> Char -> Char
    characterToMove = chr (
                    modifyNumber (
                        ord characterToMove
                    ) - charStartsAt
                ) `mod` lettersCount
            ) + charStartsAt

Tried to add some variables. This feels more comfortable, but is this FP way?

lettersCount :: Int
lettersCount = ord 'z' - ord 'a' + 1

moveChar :: Int -> (Int -> Int) -> Char -> Char
    characterToMove = chr resultingIndex
        resultingIndex = resultingIndexFrom0 + charStartsAt
        resultingIndexFrom0 = mod (modifyNumber charIndexFrom0) lettersCount
        charIndexFrom0 = charIndex - charStartsAt
        charIndex = ord characterToMove

Fixing the brackets problem, in a haskell way

Let's check best answers
shift :: Int -> Char -> Char
shift i c | isLower c = chr . (+97) . flip mod 26 . (+) (i - 97) $ ord c
          | isUpper c = chr . (+65) . flip mod 26 . (+) (i - 65) $ ord c
          | otherwise = c

This looks like FP!

  • chr . (+97) instead doing it in layers, we compose!
  • flip mod 26 more composition! Nice tricks!
Let's try to rewrite our function with a new knowledge ))
lettersCount :: Int
lettersCount = ord 'z' - ord 'a' + 1

moveChar :: Int -> (Int -> Int) -> Char -> Char
    modifyNumber  = chr . (+ charStartsAt) . flip mod lettersCount . modifyNumber . flip (-) charStartsAt . ord

Now it's FP

We need one more change to be 100% FP make all variable names unreadable, and move some calculations to magic numbers!

moveChar :: Int -> (Int -> Int) -> Char -> Char
moveChar x y = chr . (+ x) . flip mod 26 . y . flip (-) x . ord

Good luck finding out what it does, in a months :D

ZipWith magic

Another function in that solution is also interesting It uses this trick

zipWith shift [n..] xs

So if we have function

shift :: Int -> Int -> Int
shift x y = x * 100 + y

And we want to apply this shift function to each element of an array of numbers like map but x should be index of an element, and y an element value We can simply do that

zipWith shift [1..] $ [5,7,9]
-- [105,207,309]

Moreover if we don't know starting index we can use a variable

zipWith shift [n, n+1..] $ [5,7,9]

In this particular kata, that would help us get rid of passing Int -> Int -> Int function to tell how we should change index And remove [(Int, Char)] type from our function

Simple composition

When I was finished with kata, I still had one error where I have to return ["ab", "bc", "sm", "gg", ""] I was returning only 4 elements ["ab", "bc", "sm", "gg"] So I fixed this by taking 5 elements and adding one empty at the end

take 5 $ encodeAndBrake s i ++ [""]

But this could have beed written if FP way using composition, like that!

take 5 . (++ [""]) $ encodeAndBrake s i

quotRem Magic

To get amount of items in a chunk I had to implement this function

getDivider :: String -> Int
getDivider x = ceiling ( fromIntegral (length x) / 5 ) :: Int
-- ceiling ( fromIntegral (17) / 5 )

It takes list [Char] And checking how many items should be in a piles to get 5 chunks at most!

For example If length is 17 the five parts will have lengths of 4, 4, 4, 4, 1 So this function would return 4 that will sufice chunksOf method and split list accordingly

But this could have been done more simply by using quotRem

17 `quotRem` 5

quotRem - basically 2 functions called on same arguments and result put in a pair (quot x y, rem x y)

quot 17 5 == 3 rem 17 5 == 2 So we get (3,2) We increment sft x + 1 and we are golden

Statistics for an Athletic Association (6ku)

Was harder than I have expected...

Kata link My solution

Used Data Structure for a first time

data DateHMS = DateHMS Int Int Int deriving (Show)

It's quite eazy to work with those, to extract values you can simmply do that in arguments by diconstruction

fromDateHMStoSecnds :: DateHMS -> Int
fromDateHMStoSecnds (DateHMS h m s) = convertToMiliseconds h m s

Creating an instance DateHMS 0 0 0

convertStringToHMS i
 | length spl == 3 = DateHMS (readInt 0) (readInt 1) (readInt 2)
 | otherwise = DateHMS 0 0 0

Zip With

I wrote this f to convert from HH:mm:ss to milliseconds, it works but kind of ugly

convertToMiliseconds :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
convertToMiliseconds h m s = s * 1000 + m * 60 * 1000 + h * 60 * 60 * 1000

I found this function in best solutions section

timeToSec :: String -> Int
timeToSec = sum . zipWith (*) [3600,60,1] . map read . splitOn "|"

It kind of does to many things as for me, but zipWith trick cood be used in my function

convertToMiliseconds :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
convertToMiliseconds h m s = sum . zipWith (*) [1000, 1000*60, 1000*60*60] $ [s, m, h]

And as ussual it's not 100% FP if we don't have magic numbers and unreadable function/variable names

convToMs :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
convToMs x y z = sum . zipWith (*) [1000, 60000, 3600000] $ [z, y, x]

Now we golden :D


To construct part of report string I have used this helper

fromDateHMSToReport :: String -> DateHMS -> String
fromDateHMSToReport prefix (DateHMS h m s) = prefix ++ withLeadingZero h ++ "|" ++ withLeadingZero m ++ "|" ++ withLeadingZero s

And used it to make final string

getRangeStats :: [Char] -> String
getRangeStats = getStats "Range: " range

getAverageStats :: [Char] -> String
getAverageStats = getStats " Average: " average

getMedianStats :: [Char] -> String
getMedianStats = getStats " Median: " median

-- And then doing this
concat [getRangeStats x, getAverageStats x, getMedianStats x]

Let's make it look better with help of printf

We start with a helper, we remove prefix, and use printf

fromDateHMSToReport :: DateHMS -> String
fromDateHMSToReport (DateHMS h m s) =
    printf "%s|%s|%s" (withLeadingZero h) (withLeadingZero m) (withLeadingZero s)

And as ussual make variable/functionNames unreadable to reach 100% FP

frDtToRep :: DateHMS -> String
frDtToRep (DateHMS h m s) =
    printf "%s|%s|%s" (wthLd0 h) (wthLd0 m) (wthLd0 s)

And instead of concat we now have

getResult :: String -> String
getResult x = printf "Range: %s Average: %s Median: %s" r a m
    r = getStats range x
    a = getStats average x
    m = getStats median x

Using quotRem VS divMod

To get HH:mm:ss back I wrote this function

fromSecondsToDateHMS :: Int -> DateHMS
fromSecondsToDateHMS seconds = DateHMS h m s
        (h,mLeft) = quotRem seconds (60*60 * 1000)
        (m,ms) = quotRem mLeft (60 * 1000)
        (s, _) = quotRem ms 1000

In one of the solutions I saw somebody using divMod So what the difference?

quotRem - simultaneous quot and rem

  • quotRem 157 50 = (3,7)
  • quotRem (-157) 50 = (-3, -7)
  • quotRem (-157) (-50) = (3,-7)

divMod - simultaneous div and mod

  • divMod 157 50 = (3,7)
  • divMod (-157) 50 = (-4,43)
  • divMod (-157) (-50) = (3, -7)

Where quot - integer division truncated toward zero

  • quot 86 10 = 8

div - integer division truncated toward negative infinity

  • div 86 10 = 8

The difference comes with negative numbers

  • div (-86) 10 = -9 - truncated toward negative infinity
  • quot (-86) 10 = -8 - truncated toward zero

rem - integer remainder

  • rem 86 10 = 6
  • mod (-1700) 1000 = -700

mod - integer modulus

  • mod 86 10 = 6
  • mod (-1700) 1000 = 300

So in this particular case, as we don't work with negative numbers, it doesn't matter

Detect Pangram (6ku)

Eazy kata should be 7 or 8 ku

Kata link My Solution

Take a Number And Sum Its Digits Raised To The Consecutive Powers And ....¡Eureka!! (6ku)

Kata link My Solution

Used zipWith that I have learned before ))

checkNumb :: Int -> Bool
checkNumb x = t == x
  where t = sum . (flip . zipWith) (^) [1..] . map digitToInt $ show x

Using == as a function

You can use (== n) as a function in composition, instead of using variable

f n = (== n) . sum . zipWith (flip (^)) [1..] . map digitToInt . show $ n

Reverse or rotate? (6ku)

Kata Link My Solution

Filtering by length

Instead of

filter (\i -> length i == sz)

We can use composition

filter ((== n) . length)

How Much (6ku)

It seems like understanding the description is more chalanging than actually solving the kata

Kata Link My Solution

Mapping Maybe tipe

Quite convinietly instead of doing

map fromJust . filter isJust . map isIt $ [n..m]

you can use mapMaybe That will filter out Notings and map your List

mapMaybe isIt [n..m]

TitleCase (6ku)

An eazy one, straight forward solution

Kata Link My Solution

Dubstep (6ku)

An eazy one, straight forward solution

Kata Link My Solution

Someone solved it like this, :D

songDecoder :: String -> String
songDecoder = unwords . words . go
  where go []               = []
        go ('W':'U':'B':xs) = ' ' : go xs
        go (x:xs)           =   x : go xs

-- And like this
unDub :: String -> String
unDub ""  = ""
unDub ('W':'U':'B':s) = ' ': unDub s
unDub (c:s) = c: unDub s

songDecoder :: String -> String
songDecoder = unwords . words . unDub


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