Dynamic Portfolio is a web application that allows users to generate their own portfolio websites. With this application, users can easily create and customize their portfolio sites, and share them on their resumes and other platforms.
- User-friendly interface for generating and customizing portfolio websites
- Dynamic URLs for each user's portfolio site, such as
- Integration with Next.js, Node.js, Express, and MongoDB for seamless functionality
- Easy deployment and hosting options
- Responsive design for optimal viewing on different devices
To install and run the Dynamic Portfolio application locally, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/nishanprime/DynamicPortfolioCreator
Make sure to npm install in both frontend and backend
Create .env.local in frontend and .env in backend Make sure .env in Backend have following prop: PORT=8000 MONGO_URI='<mongo_uri>' JWT_SECRET='<jwt_token>' SPACE_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<DO_space_access_key> SPACE_SECRET_KEY=<DO_space_secret_key> BACKEND_URI=https://api.dynamicportfolio.io or http://localhost:8000 if using local backend uri
Make sure .env.local in Frontend have following prop: NEXT_PUBLIC_BACKEND_URI=https://api.dynamicportfolio.io or http://localhost:8000 if using backend uri
If using Docker Compose
Run docker-compose up --build and use port 3000 to access the web app