Blood Donation App – A lightning component built using Salesforce lightning framework available on Salesforce 1 mobile.
This project is an unmanaged package natively built on Salesforce platform easily available on Salesforce 1 mobile which makes the blood donation easier within an organization This project helps employees in an organization to save their personal information including blood group, geolocation so that blood recipients can easily browse through the app to find the donor looking up with blood group and zipcode. This project uses a custom object Blood_Donor__c that has all the details including the geolocation of the donor. When the user/admin who has access to the app browses donors , it pulls up donors based on geolocation with 10 miles. This is till under progress.
Features included
- Lists top 10 latest donors
- Look Up donors with geolocation
- Edit the donor details
- Add new donor
- Pick and email the donor and the admin from the donor lists
- Call the donor with one click.