Run run_analysis.R script in the directory containing data downloaded from
(note you should run it inside "UCI HAR Dataset" folder)
Script processes source data and does following transformations:
- Removes all of the quntitative variables not representing std or mean
- Merges train and test data into one dataset
- Records activity as string based on activity_labels.txt
- Processes activity labels to be more human-friendly (removes underscore, converts to CamelCase)
In addition, it averages quantitative data for each activity and each subject to produce secondary data set.
Script should generate two files:
proccesedMeanStddata.txt - contains tidy data set with columns describing mean and std data of the research
averageMeanStddata.txt - contains tidy data set with averaged data for each activity and each subject
CodeBook.MD explains meaning and possible values of resulting columns.