HAT lets you build RESTful HTTP CRUD APIs that compose cleanly with your ring application.
; Resource description
(defn hosts-description [database-connection]
(generate-description {:singular-name "host"
:singular-titlecase "Host"
:plural-name "hosts"
:plural-titlecase "Hosts"
:conn database-connection
:db-search-attr :host/name
:fields #(do [{:title "Name"
:name :host/name
:type :text}]})))
; Auth
(def all-roles #{:public :user :admin})
(def admin-only #{:admin})
(def authorisation-rules
{:index {:get all-roles}
:hosts {:get all-roles :post admin-only}
:host {:get all-roles :put admin-only :delete admin-only}
:events {:get all-roles :post admin-only}
:event {:get all-roles :put admin-only :delete admin-only}})
(defn authenticate
{:roles #{:public}})
([username password]
(if (= password "adminpassword")
{:username username
:roles all-roles})))
; Compose and start
(defn -main []
(let [conn (db/connect "datomic:dev://datomic:4334/some-database")
hosts (hosts-description conn)
events (events-description conn)]
(-> (controllers/the-intermediate-step [hosts events])
(one-to-many hosts events :host/name :event/host)
(install-auth authenticate authorisation-rules)
- Improve documentation.
- Add validation support.
- Possibly split out the datomic persistance into an adapter library.
- Write persistance layers for PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite.
Copyright © 2014 Silverpond
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.