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A webring for the BEAM community

What is it?

A webring is a colleciton of websites linked together in a ring structure, usually organized around a specific topic. This one is a collection of sites that talk about the BEAM, which includes Erlang, Elixir, GLEAM and any other language that uses the BEAM vm.

How do I get added?

Simply add the required ring links to your site, and fill out this request form.

Required Links

For the ring to work, each site must link to the next site in the ring. So simply adding a previous and next link that are available sitewide and links to and respectively, satisfies this condition.

Future Plans

This is a extremely simple implementation, and I would like to keep it that way.


There are some improvements and features that may make sense:

  • I would like to add an RSS feed that aggregates all the sites RSS feeds together at some point.
  • Adding Metrics for each site could be nice.

Feature requests

If you have a feature request, please fill out an issue in this repo or better yet, create a PR with your requested feature.