✨ 😎 I'm Sika[Ce-kaa], an alum of Ada Developers Academy, a highly immersive coding school where women and gender-expansive adults learn how to be Software Engineers. ✨
🔭 At Amazon Prime Video, where I interned for six months , I worked on enhancing the usability of the platform at Amazon Prime Video,. My contributions include features like a customizable column display, order alteration, preset filters/preferences saving, and a Quick Copy feature, which has improved efficiency and reduced errors.
🌱 I'm currently learning advanced coding techniques in both React and Java in AWS environments as a Full-Stack to develop and implement applications like as mentioned above. I'm using testing frameworks like Jest for React and JUnit for Java to ensure the robustness and reliability of applications.
👯 I'm looking to collaborate on open source projects particularly centered around AI and machine learning, and passionate about leveraging these technologies for user-centered applications.
🤔 I’m looking for help with deepening my understanding of data science and machine learning concepts. I'm particularly interested in practical applications and real-world use cases.
💬 Ask me about my experience in bridging the gap between customer service and software development, and how I use this unique perspective to build better, more intuitive user experiences
📫 How to reach me: Feel free to connect with me on my LinkedIn
⚡ Fun fact: Aside from my love for coding, I'm an avid hiker and have a goal to explore every national park in the United States.