This is a ripoff with some changes of the PyDanny's cookiecutter.
I changed things that I needed for my company (Sigma Geosistemas LTDA), such as how the settings are organized and a few other things.
A cookiecutter template for creating reusable Django packages (installable apps) quickly.
Why? Creating reusable Django packages has always been annoying. There are no defined/maintained
best practices (especially for
), so you end up cutting and pasting hacky, poorly understood,
often legacy code from one project to the other. This template, inspired by cookiecutter-pypackage,
is designed to allow Django developers the ability to break free from cargo-cult configuration and follow
a common pattern dictated by the experts and maintained here.
- Sane for easy PyPI registration/distribution
- Travis-CI configuration
- Codecov configuration
- Tox configuration
- Sphinx Documentation
- BSD licensed by default
First, get cookiecutter. Trust me, it's awesome:
$ pip install cookiecutter
Now run it against this repo:
$ cookiecutter
You'll be prompted for some questions, answer them, then it will create a cookiecutter-dj-package with your new package.
Let's pretend you want to create a reusable Django app called "Blogging-for-Humans", with an app that can be placed in INSTALLED_APPS as "blogging_humans". Rather than have to copy/paste from other people's projects and then fight enthusiasm destroying app layout issues like configuration and creating test harnesses, you get cookiecutter to do all the work.
Warning: After this point, change 'Daniel Greenfeld', 'pydanny', etc to your own information.
It prompts you for questions. Answer them:
Cloning into 'cookiecutter-dj-package'... remote: Counting objects: 49, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (33/33), done. remote: Total 49 (delta 6), reused 48 (delta 5) Unpacking objects: 100% (49/49), done. full_name (default is "Your full name here")? Daniel Greenfeld email (default is "[email protected]")? [email protected] github_username (default is "yourname")? pydanny project_name (default is "dj-package")? Blogging-for-Humans repo_name (default is "dj-package")? blogging-for-humans app_name (default is "djpackage")? blogging_humans project_short_description (default is "Your project description goes here")? A blog that's easy for humans to use! release_date (default is "2016-02-01")? 2016-02-01 year (default is "2016")? 2016 version (default is "0.1.0")? 0.3.0
Enter the project and take a look around:
$ cd blogging-for-humans/ $ ls
Create a GitHub repo and push it there:
$ git init $ git add . $ git commit -m "first awesome commit!" $ git remote add origin [email protected]:pydanny/blogging-for-humans.git $ git push -u origin master
Now take a look at your repo. Awesome, right?
It's time to write the code!!!
Code has been written, but does it actually work? Let's find out!
source <YOURVIRTUALENV>/bin/activate (myenv) $ pip install -r requirements-test.txt (myenv) $ python
Once you've got at least a prototype working and tests running, it's time to register the app on PyPI:
python register
Time to release a new version? Easy! Just run:
$ python publish
It will answer with something like:
You probably want to also tag the version now: git tag -a 0.1.0 -m 'version 0.1.0' git push --tags
Go ahead and follow those instructions.