Welcome to the Contao standard edition, a fully-functional Contao 4 application that you can use as the skeleton for your new applications.
The Contao standard edition is configured with the following defaults:
- Twig as template engine;
- Doctrine DBAL;
- Swiftmailer;
- Annotations enabled for everything.
It comes pre-configured with the following Symfony bundles:
FrameworkBundle - The core Symfony framework bundle
SecurityBundle - Integrates Symfony's security component
TwigBundle - Adds support for the Twig templating engine
MonologBundle - Adds support for Monolog, a logging library
SwiftmailerBundle - Adds support for Swiftmailer
DoctrineBundle - Adds support for the Doctrine ORM
DebugBundle (in dev/test env) - Adds the
function -
SensioFrameworkExtraBundle - Adds various annotation capabilities
WebProfilerBundle (in dev/test env) - Adds the web debug toolbar
SensioDistributionBundle (in dev/test env) - Adds functionality for configuring and working with Symfony distributions
It also comes pre-configured with the following Contao bundles:
ContaoCoreBundle - The Contao core bundle
ContaoCalendarBundle - The Contao calendar bundle
ContaoCommentsBundle - The Contao comments bundle
ContaoFaqBundle - The Contao FAQ bundle
ContaoListingBundle - The Contao listing bundle
ContaoNewsBundle - The Contao news bundle
ContaoNewsletterBundle - The Contao newsletter bundle