This is a study plan for Data Structure & Algorithms.
Basically you can use any Programming Language for Data-Structure-Algorithms but here I'm using Python.
To learn Python this playlist by Corey Schafer Learn-Python-1
To learn Python this playlist by Sendex Learn-Python-2
Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Python
Data Structures and Algorithms in Python
- by Goodrich, Tamassia, Goldwasser
- I loved this book. It covered everything and more.
- This book is a great ,but won't teach you how to write good code
Practice what you learn.
Big-O measures the run time of algorithm as the size of input data increases.
- Analysis of Algorithms
- Worst, Average and Best Cases
- Asymptotic Notations
- Space Complexity
- Amortized Analysis
Array/List is collection of items in a sequential manner. And items of array/list access by indexing.
Stack is Linear Data Structures.Stack works on principle Last in First Out (FILO).