is a website that aggregates information about the global shuffleboard community into one place!
This project is currently uses the static site generator paradigm. It uses Jekyll as the generator, Bootstrap for CSS, and DataTables for the Tournament list. The main branch of this repository is automatically deployed to, which is hosted on Netlify.
To run locally, you'll need to install Ruby, ideally the version specified in .ruby-version. Then, install dependencies by running bundle install
. Finally, running bundle exec jekyll serve
will generate the site and start a local web server at http://localhost:4000.
Fork this respository, and add CSV files to the _data/tournaments folder in this project. Note that column names must match the existing files exactly. YAML and JSON files with the same keys should also work, but this has not been tested. Once you've tested your changes, open a Pull Request back into this project.
Email [email protected] with the tournament details, and we'll get it added.