This is a command line built in the AWS cloud enviornment. It takes keywords from Terminal and query the Global Event, Language and Tone Database with AWS Athena.
chmod +x
./ --yearmonth 201410 --name "BARACK OBAMA" --orderby globaleventid --order ascending
- create database in AWS Glue
- Create an S3 bucket for putting output
- In Athena, in settings, point output directory to your S3 bucket, e.g. s3://myathenagdelt/!!! Athena and S3 must be in the same region
- In Athena, add the event table by selecting data from the open S3 bucket:
`globaleventid` INT,`day` INT,`monthyear` INT,`year` INT,`fractiondate` FLOAT,
`actor1code` string,`actor1name` string,`actor1countrycode` string,`actor1knowngroupcode` string,
`actor1ethniccode` string,`actor1religion1code` string,`actor1religion2code` string,
`actor1type1code` string,`actor1type2code` string,`actor1type3code` string,
`actor2code` string,`actor2name` string,`actor2countrycode` string,`actor2knowngroupcode` string,
`actor2ethniccode` string,`actor2religion1code` string,`actor2religion2code` string,
`actor2type1code` string,`actor2type2code` string,`actor2type3code` string,
`isrootevent` BOOLEAN,`eventcode` string,`eventbasecode` string,`eventrootcode` string,
`quadclass` INT,`goldsteinscale` FLOAT,`nummentions` INT,`numsources` INT,`numarticles` INT,`avgtone` FLOAT,
`actor1geo_type` INT,`actor1geo_fullname` string,`actor1geo_countrycode` string,`actor1geo_adm1code` string,
`actor1geo_lat` FLOAT,`actor1geo_long` FLOAT,`actor1geo_featureid` INT,
`actor2geo_type` INT,`actor2geo_fullname` string,`actor2geo_countrycode` string,`actor2geo_adm1code` string,
`actor2geo_lat` FLOAT,`actor2geo_long` FLOAT,`actor2geo_featureid` INT,
`actiongeo_type` INT,`actiongeo_fullname` string,`actiongeo_countrycode` string,`actiongeo_adm1code` string,
`actiongeo_lat` FLOAT,`actiongeo_long` FLOAT,`actiongeo_featureid` INT,
`dateadded` INT,`sourceurl` string)
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe'
WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ('serialization.format' = ' ','field.delim' = ' ') LOCATION 's3://gdelt-open-data/events/';
- This result should show up in your S3 bucket
- upload eventcode.csv to a folder under S3 (e.g.s3://myathenagdelt/cameocodes) , and add it to gdelt database with the name gdelt.eventcode. This eventcode.csv is downloaded from
**note: This CLI Tool only handles small query. Limited to top 20 query, no order