- node包安装
npm install gogoast
- 浏览器执行
- 大幅减少代码量——如果你需要使用AST对代码进行升级、改造、分析,快用gogoAST帮你摆脱繁琐冗余的的代码,专注于你的核心逻辑。不需要traverse,像剥洋葱一样一层一层的对比、操作、构造ast节点。
- 降低理解成本——甚至不需要理解什么是CallExpression、Identifier、ImportDeclaration这些概念,就可以畅快运用AST。
- 基于recast,转换后的代码基本与源代码的格式差异最小。
- 凡是需要借助babel、recast、jscodeshift、esprima...完成的需求,gogoast都能帮你更快更简单的完成。
- 创建一个AST对象
const code = `some code`
const GG = require('gogoast');
const AST = GG.createAstObj(code);
查找代码片段 用一段包含通配符($_$)的'代码选择器'来查找相应的代码片段,如:
const { matchWildCardList } = AST.getAstsBySelector(`$_$`);
const { matchWildCardList } = AST.getAstsBySelector(`'$_$'`);
const { nodePathList, matchWildCardList } = AST.getAstsBySelector([ '$_$.setTip($_$, $_$)', 'tip.show($_$)' ]);
var $_$ = $_$ function $_$ () { $_$ } View.extend($_$) $_$ ? $_$ : $_$ $_$ && $_$
返回结果 | nodePathList | matchWildCardList |
描述 | 代码选择器匹配到的代码片段 | 代码选择器中通配符匹配到的代码片段 |
结构 | nodePath[] | { stucture: node, value: simpleNode }[] |
解释 | nodePath对象包含匹配到的ast结构及其上下文 | structure中的node是ast结构,value是简化后的node,便于取值 |
- 替换一段代码
- 在完整的AST片段中,通过param1查找对应的代码片段
- 通过param2生成一段代码,填入param1中通配符对应的代码
- 将param2生成的代码替换param1匹配的代码
AST.replaceSelBySel(param1, param2);
AST.replaceSelBySel('const $_$ = require($_$)', 'import $_$ from $_$');
示例1: 与自定义babel插件对比
import a from 'a'; console.log('get A') var b = console.log() console.log.bind() var c = console.log console.log = func
import a from 'a'; var b = void 0; console.log.bind() var c = function(){}; console.log = func
- 用自定义Babel插件实现的核心代码:
// 代码来源:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/32189701 module.exports = function({ types: t }) { return { name: "transform-remove-console", visitor: { CallExpression(path, state) { const callee = path.get("callee"); if (!callee.isMemberExpression()) return; if (isIncludedConsole(callee, state.opts.exclude)) { // console.log() if (path.parentPath.isExpressionStatement()) { path.remove(); } else { //var a = console.log() path.replaceWith(createVoid0()); } } else if (isIncludedConsoleBind(callee, state.opts.exclude)) { // console.log.bind() path.replaceWith(createNoop()); } }, MemberExpression: { exit(path, state) { if ( isIncludedConsole(path, state.opts.exclude) && !path.parentPath.isMemberExpression() ) { //console.log = func if ( path.parentPath.isAssignmentExpression() && path.parentKey === "left" ) { path.parentPath.get("right").replaceWith(createNoop()); } else { //var a = console.log path.replaceWith(createNoop()); } } } } } };
- 用gogoAST实现:
const AST = GG.createAstObj(code); AST.replaceSelBySel(`var $_$ = console.log()`, `$_$ = void 0`); AST.replaceSelBySel(`console.log()`, null); AST.replaceSelBySel(`var $_$ = console.log`, `$_$ = function(){}`); const result = AST.generate();
示例2: 与jscodeshift对比
import car from 'car'; const suv = car.factory('white', 'Kia', 'Sorento', 2010, 50000, null, true); const truck = car.factory('silver', 'Toyota', 'Tacoma', 2006, 100000, true, true);
import car from 'car'; const suv = car.factory({"color":"white","make":"Kia","model":"Sorento","year":2010,"miles":50000,"bedliner":null,"alarm":true}); const truck = car.factory({"color":"silver","make":"Toyota","model":"Tacoma","year":2006,"miles":100000,"bedliner":true,"alarm":true});
- 用jscodeshift实现的核心代码:
// 代码来源:https://www.toptal.com/javascript/write-code-to-rewrite-your-code export default (fileInfo, api) => { const j = api.jscodeshift; const root = j(fileInfo.source); // find declaration for "car" import const importDeclaration = root.find(j.ImportDeclaration, { source: { type: 'Literal', value: 'car', }, }); // get the local name for the imported module const localName = importDeclaration.find(j.Identifier) .get(0) .node.name; // current order of arguments const argKeys = [ 'color', 'make', 'model', 'year', 'miles', 'bedliner', 'alarm', ]; // find where `.factory` is being called return root.find(j.CallExpression, { callee: { type: 'MemberExpression', object: { name: localName, }, property: { name: 'factory', }, } }) .replaceWith(nodePath => { const { node } = nodePath; // use a builder to create the ObjectExpression const argumentsAsObject = j.objectExpression( // map the arguments to an Array of Property Nodes node.arguments.map((arg, i) => j.property( 'init', j.identifier(argKeys[i]), j.literal(arg.value) ) ) ); // replace the arguments with our new ObjectExpression node.arguments = [argumentsAsObject]; return node; }) // specify print options for recast .toSource({ quote: 'single', trailingComma: true }); };
- 用gogoAST实现:
const AST = GG.createAstObj(code); const argKeys = ['color', 'make', 'model', 'year', 'miles', 'bedliner', 'alarm' ]; const { nodePathList, matchWildCardList } = AST.getAstsBySelector(`const $_$ = car.factory($_$)`, 'nn', false); nodePathList.forEach((path, i) => { const extra = matchWildCardList[i]; const variableName = extra.shift().value; const obj = {}; extra.forEach((ext, ei) => { obj[argKeys[ei]] = ext.structure.value }); const newCall = GG.buildAstByAstStr(`${variableName} = car.factory(${JSON.stringify(obj)})`) AST.replaceAstByAst(path, newCall); }) const result = AST.generate();
const GG = require('gogoast'); const AST = GG.createAstObj(p, options); // options非必传,格式同babel-parse,如 { allowImportExportEverywhere: true, plugins: ['jsx'] }
- 选择器是一段包含通配符($_$)的代码
- nodePathList:返回找到的ast节点路径,包含自己节点、父节点等信息
- matchWildCardList:返回通配符$_$代表的节点信息,其中structure是节点完整信息,value是简略信息
const { nodePathList, matchWildCardList } = AST.getAstsBySelector([ '$_$.setTip($_$, $_$)', 'tip.show($_$)' ]);
- 就像'abcd'.replace('a', 'z')一样好用
AST.replaceSelBySel('const $_$ = require($_$)', 'import $_$ from $_$'); AST.replaceSelBySel('$.extend(true, $_$, $_$)', 'Object.assign($_$, $_$)'); AST.replaceSelBySel('$.each($_$, function($_$, $_$) { $_$ } )', '$_$.forEach($_$, $_$)');
- 可以通过字符串拼接AST节点的方式构造新的AST节点
const type = 'error'; const content = ASTNODE; // 从其他代码中提取出来或者自己构造的ast节点 GG.buildAstByAstStr(` Alert.show({ type: '${type}', content: '$_$content$_$' }) `, { content })
- 将AST节点转成字符串 generate(ast)
- 获取AST节点的所有父节点 getParentListByAst(path)
- 判断一个AST节点是否包含某子节点,子节点用选择器表示 hasChildrenSelector(path, childSelector)
- 用一个AST节点替换某个字符串 replaceStrByAst
- replaceAstByAst
- getPrevAst
- getNextAst
- insertAstListBefore
- insertAstListAfter
- removeAst
- ......
- AST实例上也有部分方法,用法相比GG模块调用少传第一个参数,实际传入的是该实例自身的ast结构
- buildObjectProperty
// 为什么不直接用buildAstByAstStr?把一个对象粘贴进astexplore就知道了 AST.buildObjectProperty({ url: 'getList', type: 'get' })
- appendJsxAttr
const locaid = '98s8dh3'; const params = [ 'a=${aa}', 'b=${{aaa:"222",xxx:{ssss:111}}}', 'c=${"s"}', 'd=${a+1}','e=${ ss?2:1}' ] AST.appendJsxAttr({ 'attr1: `{${'`'}gostr='$'{gostr};locaid=d${locaid};${params.join('&')}}${'`'}}`, // 模板字符串 a: `{a+1}`, // 表达式 b: `'a'`, // 字符串 c: `{a}` // 变量 }); // 结果: <div attr1={`gostr=${gostr};locaid=d98s8dh3;a=${aa}&b=${{aaa:"222",xxx{ssss:111}}}&c=${"s"}&d=${a+1}&e=${ ss?2:1}}`}a={a+1} b='a' c={a}> </div>
- 将一段代码最外层所有未export的变量定义都加上export
const GG = require('gogoast');
const AST = GG.createAstObj(code); // code是源代码字符串
const { nodePathList } = AST.getAstsBySelector(`const $_$ = $_$`, true, 'n'); // 匹配到最外层的变量定义
nodePathList.forEach(p => {
if (p.parent.node.type == 'ExportNamedDeclaration') { // declarator类型的节点肯定至少存在两级parent,不会报错
return; // 已经export的不处理
GG.replaceAstByAst(p, { type: 'ExportNamedDeclaration', declaration: p.value })
console.log(AST.generate()) // 输出代码