A simple exporter that reads the OpenVPN status file and exposes the data as Prometheus Metrics
go build openvpn_exporter.go
./openvpn_exporter --openvpn.status_path=/path/to/openvpn.status
Build the image:
docker build --force-rm=true -t openvpn_exporter .
The final image is around 8MB. A temporary image has been downloaded to make the final one. Once built, this temporary image become orphan, you can delete it:
docker rmi -f $(docker images | grep "<none>" | awk "{print \$3}")
To use with docker you must mount your status file to /etc/openvpn_exporter/server.status.
docker run -it -p 9176:9176 -v /path/to/openvpn_server.status:/etc/openvpn_exporter/server.status openvpn_exporter
Metrics should be available on your host IP: http://<host_ip>:9176/metrics. E.g:
Figure out a good way to see if the server is up, I currently just assume its down if the last update happened more than 10 minutes ago