django-scribbler is an application for managing snippets of text for a Django website. Similar projects include django-flatblocks, django-chunks and django-pagelets. This project attempts to take some of the best concepts from those previous projects as well as focus on giving the users instant feedback inspired by Bret Victor's Inventing on Principle talk.
- Simple template tag for defining snippet blocks with default text
- Template tag for displaying and editing fields from arbitrary models
- Front-end editing of snippets with the powerful CodeMirror editor
- Live in-place preview of content while editing
- The full power of the Django template language in the snippet blocks
- Python 3 support
django-scribbler requires Django 1.8, 1.10, or 1.11, and Python 2.7 or >= 3.4.
To install from PyPi:
pip install django-scribbler
If you need to run an unreleased version from the repository, see the Contributing Guide for additional instructions.
Documentation on using django-scribbler is available on Read The Docs.
django-scribbler is released under the BSD License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
If you think you've found a bug or are interested in contributing to this project check out django-scribbler on Github. A full contributing guide can be found in the online documentation.
If you are interested in translating django-scribbler into your native language you can join the Transifex project.
Development sponsored by Caktus Consulting Group, LLC.