A simple Picture Surfing Website powered by Pexel API.
- Vanilla Javascript
- The landing page shows some pictures selected by Pexels.
- The Website is responsive to mobile and desktop devices. Number of column and image width changes based on the device you are visiting from.
- Hovering over a photo shows a download icon and you can download the original photo by clicking on it.
- Mobile device users doesn't need to hover over a photo to see the download button, it will always appear for better useability.
- If you reach at the end of the page the page will automatically load more pictures for you.
- You can search for your desired pictures simply typing on the search bar and pressing search at the top.
- Last but not least, you can toggle between dark and light mode by clicking on the moon/sun icon at the top-right corner.
- I plan to keep adding features while i explore and learn new things.