Star Quest is a command-line tool that allows you to analyze the star counts of GitHub users or organizations. It fetches repository information using the GitHub API and provides insights into the total number of repositories and stars for a given user or organization.
- Retrieve repository information for a GitHub user or organization
- Sort repositories by star count in descending order
- Display the total number of repositories and stars for a user or organization
- Verbose mode to show all repositories, including those with 0 stars
- Process multiple usernames or files containing usernames
- Handle GitHub API rate limiting gracefully
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd star_quest
Install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
⚠️ Warning GitHub rate limits unauthenticated API requests to 60 requests per hour
To use the GitHub Stars Analyzer, run the following command:
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usage: [-h] [-v] username [username ...]
Process GitHub usernames or files containing usernames and tell you how many stars they have.
positional arguments:
username GitHub Usernames or Orginization. Or files with usernames
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Show all repositories, even those with 0 stars
: GitHub username(s) or organization(s) to analyze. You can provide multiple usernames separated by spaces. Alternatively, you can provide file paths containing usernames, one per line.-v
: (Optional) Show all repositories, even those with 0 stars.-h
: Display the help message.
python octocat
python google microsoft -v
python usernames.txt
The tool will display the following information for each provided username or organization:
- GitHub username or organization name
- Sorted list of repositories with their star counts
- Total number of repositories
- Total number of stars
If the provided username corresponds to an organization, the tool will additionally display the contributors for each repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.