Releases: shnok/l2-unity-gameserver
Releases · shnok/l2-unity-gameserver
0.0.7: Skillbar, actions, restart
- Player actions (Walk/Run, Sit/Stand)
- Skillbar
- Player restart (return to char select)
- Fixed wrong NPC positions
What's Changed
- Restart function by @shnok in #20
- Exit/restart by @shnok in #21
- Skillbar, ID factory by @shnok in #22
- State machine refacto by @shnok in #24
- Sit stand, walk run by @shnok in #25
- 0.0.7 merge by @shnok in #26
Full Changelog: 0.0.6...0.0.7
0.0.6: Inventory
What's changed
- Handle request Inventory Update
- Handle request Item Destroy
- Handle request Unequip Item
- Handle request Use Item
- Stats calculation on gear update
Bug fixes:
- Fixed stats calculation
- Packet encryption/decryption
- Inventory base by @shnok in #13
- Inventory drap&drop, equip/unequip gear by @shnok in #14
- increased buffer size by @shnok in #15
- single threaded client packet decryption by @shnok in #16
- Merge by @shnok in #17
- Inventory by @shnok in #18
- 0.0.6: Inventory by @shnok in #19
Full Changelog: 0.0.5...0.0.6
0.0.5: Stats and damage formulas, system messages, char info window, combat refacto
What's Changed
- Stats calc, system messages, damage calc by @shnok in #11
- 0.0.5: Stats and damage formulas, system messages, char info window, combat refacto by @shnok in #12
Full Changelog: 0.0.4...0.0.5
0.0.4: combat tweaks, user packet fix, packet crypt fix
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 0.0.3...0.0.4
0.0.3: Char select
Full Changelog: 0.0.2...0.0.3