An Android Twitter client that supports viewing a Twitter timeline, compose tweets, and many more.
####Total time spent(week 2): 20 Hours
####User Stories:
- User can switch between Timeline, Mention and Tweets views using tabs.
- User can view their home timeline tweets.
- User can view the recent mentions of their username.
- User can view their recent tweets.
- User can scroll to bottom of either of these lists and new tweets will load ("infinite scroll")
- User can navigate to view their own profile
- User can see picture, tagline, # of followers, # of following, and tweets on their profile.
- User can click on the profile image in any tweet to see another user's profile.
- User can see picture, tagline, # of followers, # of following, and tweets of clicked user.
- Profile view should include that user's timeline and photos.
- User can view following / followers list through the profile
- Display tweets in offline mode for home timeline, mentions and user tweets.
####Demo (Week 2):
####Demo Offline mode (Week 2):
####Total time spent(week 1): 16 Hours
####User Stories:
- User can sign in to Twitter using OAuth login
- User can view the tweets from their home timeline
- User should be displayed the username, name, and body for each tweet
- User should be displayed the relative timestamp for each tweet "8m", "7h"
- User can view more tweets as they scroll with infinite pagination
- Links in tweets are clickable and will launch the web browser (see autolink)
- User can click a “Compose” icon in the Action Bar on the top right
- User can then enter a new tweet and post this to twitter
- User is taken back to home timeline with new tweet visible in timeline
- User can see a counter with total number of characters left for tweet
- User can refresh tweets timeline by pulling down to refresh
- Improve the user interface and theme the app to feel "twitter branded"
- Compose activity is replaced with a modal overlay
- User can tap a tweet to display a "detailed" view of that tweet
- User can select "reply" from detail view to respond to a tweet
- User can see embedded image media within the tweet detail view
- Display media image with TouchImageView and action bar overlay
Libraries used: android-async-http-1.4.3, ActiveAndroid-3.1, codepath-oauth-0.3.0.jar, codepath-utils.jar, scribe-codepath.jar, universal-image-loader-1.8.4.jar, picasso-2.3.4.jar and android-support-v4.