Shinji KONO ([email protected]), University of the Ryukyus
zfc axiom of choice
NSet Naive Set Theory
Ordinals axiom of Ordinals
OD a model of ZF based on Ordinal Definable Set with assumptions
ODC Law of exclude middle from axiom of choice assumptions
LEMC choice with assumption of the Law of exclude middle
BAlgebra Boolean algebra on OD (not yet done)
zorn Zorn lemma
Topology Topology
VL V and L
cardinal Cardinals
filter Filter
generic-filter Generic Filter
maximum-filter Maximum filter by Zorn lemma
ordinal countable model of Ordinals
OPair Orderd Pair and Direct Product
bijection Bijection without HOD
## Ordinal Definable Set
It is a predicate has an Ordinal argument.
In Agda, OD is defined as follows.
record OD : Set (suc n ) where
def : (x : Ordinal ) → Set n
This is not a ZF Set, because it can contain entire Ordinals.
## HOD : Hereditarily Ordinal Definable
What we need is a bounded OD, the containment is limited by an ordinal.
record HOD : Set (suc n) where
od : OD
odmax : Ordinal
<odmax : {y : Ordinal} → def od y → y o< odmax
In classical Set Theory, HOD stands for Hereditarily Ordinal Definable, which means
HOD = { x | TC x ⊆ OD }
TC x is all transitive closure of x, that is elements of x and following all elements of them are all OD. But
what is x? In this case, x is an Set which we don't have yet. In our case, HOD is a bounded OD.
## 1 to 1 mapping between an HOD and an Ordinal
HOD is a predicate on Ordinals and the solution is bounded by some ordinal. If we have a mapping
od→ord : HOD → Ordinal
ord→od : Ordinal → HOD
oiso : {x : HOD } → ord→od ( od→ord x ) ≡ x
diso : {x : Ordinal } → od→ord ( ord→od x ) ≡ x
we can check an HOD is an element of the OD using def.
A ∋ x can be define as follows.
_∋_ : ( A x : HOD ) → Set n
_∋_ A x = def (od A) ( od→ord x )
In ψ : Ordinal → Set, if A is a record { od = { def = λ x → ψ x } ...} , then
A ∋ x = def (od A) ( od→ord x ) = ψ (od→ord x)
They say the existing of the mappings can be proved in Classical Set Theory, but we
simply assumes these non constructively.