Display Jewish prayer times (zmanim) on your Tidbyt device. Shows important daily prayer times based on your location.
- Shows all important daily zmanim (prayer times)
- Customizable by ZIP code
- Clear display with yellow time highlights
- Automatic vertical scrolling
- Includes:
- Dawn (Alot)
- Misheyakir
- Sunrise
- Last Shema
- Last Shacharit
- Midday
- Mincha Gedolah
- Mincha Ketanah
- Plag Hamincha
- Sunset
- Nightfall
- Midnight
- ZIP Code: Enter your local ZIP code for accurate times
- Scroll Speed: Adjust how fast the times scroll
- Find "Zmanim" in the Tidbyt app store
- Click Install
- Enter your ZIP code
- Push to your device
Times provided by Chabad.org's Zmanim API.
Author: Shimon Savitsky Data: Chabad.org