Splango is designed to help you take the first steps with split (A/B) testing with minimal friction. It allows you to instantly declare and run a split test experiment in your templates or in python code, and provides an admin UI for viewing simple funnel reports on the results.
{% load splangotags %}
{# first declare the experiment and its variants #}
{% experiment "signuptext" variants "control,free,trial" %}
Welcome to my site! Please
<a href="/signup">
{# change what is rendered based on which experimental variant you're in #}
{% hyp "signuptext" "control" %}
sign up
{% endhyp %}
{% hyp "signuptext" "free" %}
sign up for free
{% endhyp %}
{% hyp "signuptext" "trial" %}
sign up for a trial
{% endhyp %}
def mypage(request):
exp = request.experiments
expvariant = exp.declare_and_enroll("call_to_action", ["a","b"])
if expvariant == "a":
call_to_action_label = "try it"
elif expvariant == "b":
call_to_action_label = "this might not suck"
if request.method == "POST":
form = PleaseDoThisForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
return HttpResponseRedirect(...)
form = PleaseDoThisForm()
return render_to_response("mytemplate.html", {
"call_to_action_label": call_to_action_label },
In order to filter out bots, Splango injects a javascript fragment into your HTTP response. Only clients that have a Django session and can run javascript will be tracked in experiments.
When a user logs in or registers, any experiment enrollments created while the user was an anonymous Subject will be merged into a Subject associated with the User. In case of conflict, enrollments previously associated with a logged-in Subject will override anonymous enrollments. In other words, Splango tries to be consistent as to what it presented to a particular human, as long as we can identify them.
Ensure you have the dependencies:
- django's session package
- django's admin for viewing results
- jQuery
Put the splango directory somewhere in your PYTHON_PATH.
In your project's settings.py:
add "splango" to INSTALLED_APPS
add this to your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES after the session and auth middleware:
optionally, define a goal to be logged when the first visit to your site is made:
If this is defined, splango will automatically log the goal "firstvisit" as being completed on the user's first request.
In your urls.py, include the splango urls and admin_urls modules:
(r'^splango/', include('splango.urls')),
Ensure jQuery is available on all text/html responses. Otherwise splango will not work. Splango will remind you of this by putting annoying javascript alert() messages on such pages if settings.DEBUG is true.
Finally, go to /splango/admin to create and view experiments.
The names of experiments and goals are their sole identifier. This keeps things simple, but also means that typos can mess things up.
Hypotheses within an experiment must have unique names, but you can reuse a hypothesis name (e.g. "control") in multiple experiments if you wish.
As documented in the LICENSE file, Splango is available for free use and modification under an MIT-style license.