Hello, I'm Ashleigh! I' m a programmer by training, and am currently working as the Leader of the Product Team at Neovation Learning Solutions (which is just a fancy way of saying I boss around the dev, UX and QA teams).
I believe that everyone deserves an accessible experience, whether in the physical or digital worlds, and I'm doing what I can to bring that idea to those around me. I've spoken about accessibility at TedxWinnipeg 2019, Prairie Dev Con Winnipeg & Regina, ConFoo Montreal and to various local schools and industry groups in Winnipeg and Manitoba.
- 💬 Ask me about: general nerdery (tv shows, movies, comics, Pokémon Go, Pikmin Bloom, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, LEGO)
- 📫 How to reach me: hit me up on Twitter for lots of a11y retweets and the occassional personal tidbit
- 😄 Pronouns: she/her
- ⚡ "Fun" fact: I have fibromyalgia, which is how I became interested and aware of accessibility initially.