In this dorkShop, we are going to explore the powerhouse of your computer—the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). By using GLSL fragment shader as your paint brush, you can take full advantage of the GPU’s computational power to generate amazing visuals to enhance your work in various platforms such as openFrameworks, Processing, Unity, and WebGL.
The dorkShop will be comprised of three parts: In the first part, applications of GLSL fragment shader will be demonstrated, and fundamental concepts of shader programming will be introduced. In the second part, we are going through a few code examples together, in order to experience the the unique way of painting with shader. In the third part, I will briefly introduce how to integrate shader code into openFrameworks/Unity projects, and provide information for your further exploration.
We are going to edit and test our shaders in the online [glslEditor]( 2016/glslEditor/). An instance of it can be accessed via It is recommended that you use it in Chrome or Firefox (Safari is less stable).
If you want to go through the process of integrating shader into openFrameworks/Unity projects, it is recommended that you use a Mac and have these platforms installed.